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Ever hear of cinderella?
Well if not let me explain though my life is a bit different.

When I was 5 my mom lost her memory and she became very sick, not long after she passed away. At that time my mom was everything to me,and I'm sure if she were here right now she'd still be my everything.

My dad was very soft with me and after my mom's death he became very protective and always tried his best to get me whatever I wanted because he was afraid to lose me as well.He always tried to keep me happy.

But a couple years passed until he married another woman that too for my sake. I was 12 when he married my step mother.

At first I thought she was amazing until a couple weeks later my dad started to work again and I was left alone with her and her kids. I always thought of them as my siblings though they didn't like me very much. I realized that my step family weren't too fond of me.

My step mother has three of her own children. Aliza, Danish and Zainab. Aliza being the eldest Danish the middle and Zainab the youngest.

When we were young Zainab had some mercy on me. She was mean but not as mean as the other two.

Whenever my dad would go for work my step mom always made me clean up after my siblings and whenever Zainab pissed her pants she'd make me wash her pants by hand. Yes Zainab peed in her pants when she was 9 she seemed to have some problem.

Whatever the case, my mother did not tolerate any sort of disobedience from me. If I ever lied to her she would kick me out of the house for hours and make me starve.To make it worse she'd make her kids eat in front of me from the window just to...make me feel bad.

She never told me directly that she hated me. As we got older Aliza became really mean like extremely mean. She'd invite her friends and humiliate me by making me serve them food and made me into a rack by telling her friends to toss there jackets at me.

I remember she made me wait outside her room and ring the bell when she needed something. I couldn't do anything because she'd go to her mom and tell her I hit her or some lie and then I'd be punished. Her punishments were horrible, She made me take all the dirty clothes down, She'd take away any gift my dad brought for me and threw it away or give it to her kids. She would keep me in the house without breathing the outside world.

One time I didn't listen to Aliza and she took me to the bathroom in front of her friends and shoved my head in the toilet. They laughed and they all thought it was funny little did they know that every time they laughed at me they were breaking me inside.

Danish use to hit me a lot. He had a really bad temper and when he lost or if his mom yelled at him which she rarely did he'd push me around and hit me with blocks.

I told my father a bunch of times. But he just laughed. He was no longer that protecting father he use to be. He thought she took care of me. Once I borrowed a video camera from Danish and recorded them so I could show my dad. But Danish realized it was missing and I went to hide it but he caught me and He beat me up really bad and my mom yelled and yelled and hit me really really bad.

In school I was great. I had friends I never let my struggles at home effect me because It's useless bringing bad memories up.

I tried to convince my dad to send me somewhere but he couldn't leave me.

I'm not the type that stays silent but now I have no say in anything because I've been humiliated verbally abused and beaten a lot. I don't act like some depressed weak little girl who complains about everything. Quite frankly I think it's just the harsh reality of life.

You meet people who are screwed up and you wish you could change some things. It's not like I'm the only one who gets hit though I might be hit a little more harshly a lot of kids get beaten up by there parents it's not for the sake of hitting but maybe just for discipline, they don't end up taking some sort of councilling or therapy or pills so why should I? I think alot of times people take things too seriously and just maybe want attention.

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