Opened like a book

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He came back with the glass of water and sat down next to me. His shoulder was against mine and I felt really uncomfortable.

Finally I couldn't take it.

"Um why are you so close?" I blurted and he looked at me kind of surprised and then smiled.

"I don't know." He replied quietly.

"Um ok... so can you move a little."


"Fine I'll move then." I say shrugging.

"Can you just sit." He asks.

"Please." He adds and I nod.

"So where is my mother?"

"Your mom? Oh she's at um." I had to come up with a lie if he finds out where she actually is he will flip the house upside down.

"She's at um someone's house."

"What do you mean? Why isn't she with you?"

"Well just because we left together doesn't mean we have to be home together too"

"Well you went together so um yes you should both come home together too."

"Ya well you see oh she met a friend and went to her house."

"So she went to her friends house? Did she say when she will be back?"

"No. Probably be a while. She's an old friend."

He nods and I nod.

"So do you want to um...would you" he pushes to think.

"Do you want to hang out?" He asks and I looked at him confused.

"Um. Sure?" I was holding myself from busting out laughing my butt off.

"Alright. That's good." He says forcing a smile.

I didn't bother smiling back because this was getting way too weird.

"So what would you like to do?"

"It's up to you."

"Ok. Um would you like to go to a beach?" He asks.

What is wrong with him. This is getting really creepy. I pinched myself. This has got to be a dream. A really weird one.

"Um what do you mean a sand and water or what?"

"Yes. A beach."

"Um ok." I say getting up.

He got up and gave me a really weird forced smile and it just made me feel so uncomfortable.

"Let's go then."

I stared at him and he had a confused look.

"Um you want to wear a suit at the beach?"

He shrugged.

"Um how about you go get a T-shirt and jeans or shorts or something more....causal"

"Right." He says and goes upstairs.

This is so weird. I'm not even kidding.

10 minutes later he rushes down and I stared at him. Why does he look so charming.

"Is this alright?" He asks. I nod. It's more than just alright homie. It is way more than just alright.


There was no talking. It was just silence.

"So do you like ice cream?" He asks.

"Ya. Do you?"

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