Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Take It or Leave It

Miles parked his van and saw Tooty waiting for him on the front porch. He noticed she'd never removed the access ramp. When he started up the ramp she said, "Why don't we sit out here? Can I bring you some iced tea or lemonade? I also have coffee brewed."

"Iced tea would be nice."

"I'll be right back."

Miles watched her enter the house and then turned his wheelchair around to gaze at her property. She had done much to improve it. In addition to the picnic and play area he had seen the day before, she had a much larger garden than the one she'd planted when he lived there. She also had a newer looking shed and the driveway was graveled. Beautiful red and yellow tulips grew in the flowerbeds. She had been right in believing this home was perfect for her. Miles felt a sudden wave of homesickness for this humble house. Unable to prevent himself, he looked at the place he and Tooty had conceived Eli. The area now had children's toys scattered across it. In his mind's eye, he watched the past play out, and again relived the ecstasy she had given him.

The screen door opened and Tooty exited carrying a tray. She set it on a small table and handed him his tea. She'd brought a plate of cookies and asked if he wanted one. He declined. After selecting a cookie for herself and picking up her own tea, she sat calmly on the porch swing. He was surprised by her composure.

Clearing his throat, he said, "We need to come to some sort of agreement about Eli. I want to spend time with him."

Tooty nodded. "And so you shall, but it will be on my terms."

He frowned. "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that we'll do it my way, or I'll fight you tooth and nail in the courts if need be."

"What the hell are you talking about? I'm trying to be civil, Tooty. You're making this more difficult than it has to be. I don't like ultimatums. Besides, you don't have the money for court battles."

She shrugged. "Just so you know how serious I am, I'll exhaust every penny of the trust funds you set up for Harris and me if you don't agree to my condition. I may not win in the end, but I'll tie you up in court for a long time."

Hesitantly, he asked, "What's your condition?"

"It's very simple. We get married."

"What!" Miles heart slammed his ribs. "I don't understand."

"What's not to understand? We. Get. Married."

"Tooty, you don't want to marry me. You're young and there's a fine young man waiting for you out there."

She looked at him over the rim of her glass. "That's my condition. Take it or leave it."

Miles was beginning to see red and his pulse raged. Before he could respond, she calmly continued, "Of course, you're welcome to live here with us for as long as you want. If you choose not to spend time here, then we'll come to New York a few months each year. You can carry on with your lifestyle—absent Monica, of course—and I can carry on with mine—absent any eligible young men. We'll not cheat on each other. As far as sleeping arrangements, unless you initiate differently, we'll maintain separate bedrooms, but if you want me to sleep with you," she looked directly into his eyes, "I will. If not..." she shrugged as if it didn't matter.

Miles' mouth gaped and he couldn't form a coherent thought. Her gaze never wavered and he knew she meant business. She would fight him mercilessly in court and he would miss precious time with his son. Again, he glanced at the place where Eli had been conceived. Turning a flinty gaze back on her, he said, "I accept your proposal. When do we tie the knot?"

* * *

Tooty watched Miles drive away and lifted a shaking hand to her mouth. Her whole body trembled. He had accepted her marriage proposal. It had taken all of her willpower not to jump in the air with a raised fist and shout, "Yes!" when he'd agreed.

Tonight he was making reservations for a flight to Las Vegas. In a couple of days she would be Mrs. Miles Brightman. After that, she would plan her strategy for winning what she believed was already hers, his love. It was time for Miles to find his happily-ever-after.

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