Sleep overs and secrets

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Clarista's P.O.V

Fuck. I thought by coming down angry and frustrated would make my wolf her strongest, but no she had to back out at the last moment. It was so frustrating. The light was on in the kitchen and as I strode towards in, I heard a low chuckle came from under the door. I wrenched open the door.

"YOU SICK MINDED BASTARD!" I screeched. Soren smiled gently at me. He sat on the kitchen counter in his boxers, his 8-pack on display.

"Hey gorgeous. Come to see me?" He replyed toying with my attitude.

"You perverted... sicko!" I spat at him. "Put some clothes on." 

"No." he said cheerily. "Not until you give me what I want," He hopped off the counter and sauntered towards me. He walked right up to me, centimetres away from my face.


I spun around. Osuin stood in the door, confusion plastered on his face. To him, I was standing rather too close for comfort to a boy dressed only in a pair of cotton underwear. I watched as anger and betrayal filled his eyes. "What are you doing?" he said quietly. 


Acantha, Xavier and Belladonna appeared at his shoulder, all staring accusingly at me. "Osuin!" I gasped, stumbling forward to him. " This isn't what it looks like!" 

Soren grinned. "It's more than what it looks like Osuin." He slung his arm around me. Osuin's face turned stormy.

"No! Don't listen to him, Osuin!"

But I saw his eyes fill with tears and his face crumple. "I thought you loved me. You said you wanted me." he whispered, his voice breaking.

I felt tears come on too. "No..I do, Osuin! I love you. When I told you you were the one for me, I meant it!"

Soren cleared his throat. "Excuse me but could you all please leave? Clarista and I have something to get on with."

That was it.  It all happened in thirty-seconds. With a roar, Osuin flung himself at Soren, knocking him to the floor, punching his face. I screamed and leaped out of the way as they barrelled past me. Osuin sat on top on Soren, sending his fist repeatedly into the hybrid's face. I winced as I heard bones crack. "Stop!" I shouted. " Please!"

Xavier grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. "Get out of here! Go back to your room!" 

"YOU BASTARD!" Osuin screamed, his face red. I stumbled down the hall, Acantha and Belladonna at both elbows, ushering me away from the fight. We reached my bedroom but the sight of the boxes filled with Osuin's belongings made me tear up.

"What did you do?" Belladonna asked. I sat down heavily on the bed. 

"It would be too hard to explain." I said.

Acantha sat beside me. "I've been practising a new spell and-"

"No! I'd rather tell you than be a guinea pig for your experimentations."

Acantha shrugged. "Understandable! Still I've been practising!"

I took a deep breath and told them everything. Soren kissing me in Self-Defence and the text that set me off. "I would never do that to Osuin." I said. "Never."

"Clarista!" Xavier charged into my room. "Osuin's been sent to hospital. Soren knocked him out."

"What!" I leaped up. 

"Yeah, it was, like, in slow motion. Soren flung Osuin of him and punched him. I swear I heard something, like, crack." Xavier said making me feel ashamed for being American. Why does he say like all the time. Anyway back on to the situation I needed to see him. I wanted to know what happened. I need to know.

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