The End

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4 Years Later

Belladonna's P.O.V

I gazed down lovingly at my stomach. I had just found out I was pregnant. Xavier was at work so I would have to wait for him to get back as this is definitely not something you share over the phone.

Xavier was the Alpha now, without his sister holding him back he managed to save his pack but his mother and father were already dead. He had responsibility now, more than he could have imagined but he's strong. 

It has just been a week since our marriage. Surprisingly I was comfortable being Luna, it gave me a better purpose in life. Right now my responsibility lay on keeping the next Alpha safe and sound.

I heard a key click in the lock, I smelt his scent before I saw him. I rushed up to him and tackled him in a hug.

He gave a guttural laugh, "what was that for?" He picked me up and held me gently in his arms.

I placed a thoughtful finger on my chin, "I'm pregnant," I was beaming.

For the first time in months I saw pure joy light up his face. Then panic spread across his features.

He set me down gently on the couch in the living room, he lifted my feet up and rested them on a foot rest. He looked at me as if I was a child, "don't move a muscle, just rest and watch tv." He grabbed a blanket and covered me up with it, "if you need anything and I mean anything just mind link me."

I smiled at him completely content. My future was set in stone, I had no more problems to deal with. Well... Xavier and I would eventually have to discuss Clarista but I think we can both agree that she doesn't deserve to be in our lives.

Acantha's P.O.V

"Uno fae porta," I waved my wand at the empty hanger and a beautiful dress appeared in its pace. I jumped around with glee, tonight was the night. Damien and I were going on a date to celebrate our forth anniversary. Danica thinks that were going to get engaged. If that happens maybe I'll let him mark me but I don't think he will.

I got dressed and admired myself in the mirror, I looked beautiful. I decided to go very natural with my makeup with just mascara and a layer of lipgloss. I heard a knock on the door startling me slightly. A sudden wave of anxiety washed over me, with shaky hands I opened the door.

Damien stood there looking about as nervous as I felt and he was holding a bunch of flowers. "Happy anniversary, babe," he threw a sheepish smile my way.

"Happy anniversary Damien," I accepted the flowers he brought. "What do you have planned for tonight?" I set the flowers down and looped my arm in his.

"You'll have to wait and see."

The date was truly amazing we went to a pizzeria and I ordered way to much but I was so hungry. We shared a dessert of chocolate cake. We had great conversation avoiding the topic of Clarista. It would have brought the mood down.

To end the date he brought me to a lake. The views were beautiful, the sun set and it enhanced the enchanting nature of the forest behind it. Damien held his hand out for me to take, I tentatively held on to it. He led me into the forest and I began to feel so anticipation as to what as going to happen. Damien led me to a clearing. 

My breath hitched in my throat, a cottage stood in the clearing and rose petals led to the door of the breathtaking building. I looked away from it to see Damien on his knee digging threw his pocket. I beaming happiness spread throughout my being as he brought out a diamond ring. 

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