Chapter 10

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Nova Rijn

The school day had gone by very slowly. I was now at my locker, switching books. I didn't have any homework for history and English, but I did have some for math and physics. Awesome.

I placed all my books in my locker; I wasn't going to do my homework anyway. I had promised to meet with Puck, and homework wasn't a part of our afternoon. I was aware of the fact that the friendship between Puck and me seemed to develop very quickly. You only saw something like that in movies or read about it in books, and it felt like it was. Like I was part of an American High School TV show. Me becoming friends with the bullied kid, causing me to be bullied as well. Then it would turn out that I had an awesome talent. Like an amazing singing voice, or great skills at sports.

I could tell you one thing: I would have neither of those. And then after I had discovered my talent, the popular guy and I would fall in love. And then you'd have the famous 'Happy Ending'. Everything about the picture I had just painted in my head was right, except for the part about me having a special talent and falling for the popular guy. I had already noticed that the popular guy around here was Sean, and there was no way in hell that I would ever like him.

Just as I was about to close my locker, I suddenly heard vicious growling coming from the distance. I quickly shut my locker and looked around.

Where had that come from?

I started walking out of the hallway, to another one. My heart stopped beating when I saw what I was afraid of.

Puck was pushed against the wall again by no one else than the biggest asshole on the planet.


"Hey dudes!" I shouted and the group turned around. Simon's eyes met mine and the coldness they projected raised the hairs on the back of my neck.

"Lookie here, the slut has arrived."

I rolled my eyes. Could they seriously not come up with something better?



Puck van den Bosch

I was wandering through the school. Nova and I had decided to meet up after school, but I was done one hour before her. She had proposed that she could come to my house so I didn't have to wait here, but I had refused before she could even finish her sentence. Nova in my house? Absolutely not.

She couldn't see my father, let alone meet him. Oh no, that was not an option.

I eventually wandered off to the cafeteria and sat down. I then grabbed my books and put in my ear buds. I turned on some music and quickly finished math. Math was easy, at least for me. I had heard Nova complain about it during lunch breaks, and I didn't understand why she found it so difficult.

I looked at my phone to skip a song and saw that there were only five minutes left until the bell would ring. I quickly put my books back in my bag and turned off the music. I walked through the hallways again, to meet Nova at her locker. I was about to walk into the hallway when I heard those familiar voices again.


I started walking faster, trying to find a hiding spot. Not that it would matter, they'd smell me anyway. Unfortunately, that could be a disadvantage about being a werewolf. Sean could also order me to come to him; he could even order me to beat myself up. I shivered at the thought. I could deny him, but I knew that would make it worse.

"Oh, Pucky!" Simon called in a fake girly voice. I took a deep breath and turned around to the group. Malicious grins appeared on their evil faces and I wished that I had the power to become invisible, or to teleport.

His Human Mate | English Version | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now