Chapter 26

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Nova Rijn

With shaking hands, I tried to get my breathing back to a normal pace and my heart to a normal rhythm. I could not ruin this moment!

I gave the best pep talks.

"Easy, it'll be fine." Jacob whispered from behind me and he then wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me against him and put his head on my shoulder.

"But what if I screw up?"

Jacob sighed softly before letting go of me and turning me around. He stared deeply into my eyes and smiled. "Believe me, Nova, you won't."

"Yeah, but-"

"No 'buts', Nova. You are amazing and I know you can do this. That's why the Moon Goddess chose you and no one else." Jacob calmly interrupted me.

I nodded, knowing that Jacob would always put my mind at ease.

"Thanks." I mumbled softly and I rested my head against his chest.

"Any time, Beautiful." Jacob said and stroked my hair.

"Are you ready?"



With trembling knees I kept walking, with Filius and Jacob following behind me. I was glad I wasn't alone in this, since it hadn't exactly been my choice.

Not that I would refuse to do this. I couldn't do that to Mel.

"Relax, Nova. Everything will be fine." Jacob's calm voice spoke in my mind. A small smile appeared on my lips and a feeling of pure happiness crept through my body.

What would I do without Jacob?

About ten steps later, I stopped walking again. Jacob followed my example while Filius kept walking, grabbed my arms and pulled me with him.

"Come on, Nova. Just a little further and we'll be done with this crap."

I nodded and followed Filius. Jacob stayed where he was while I walked onto Sean and his father Jeffrey's territory together with Filius.

Alpha James would arrive in fifteen minutes, not knowing about our plan. He believed that Jacob had asked him to come to attack Alpha Jeffrey's pack.

It was hilarious how difficult we made everything.

"Nova, everything is going to be fine. I can feel it. And even if we don't succeed, we still have a plan B." Filius shrugged indifferently.

"Plan B isn't very appealing." I softly said, not meaning for Filius to hear it, but of course he did.

"He made his bed and now he has to sleep in it. It will teach him that he won't get away with his crimes."

I just nodded and kept following Filius to Alpha Jeffrey's pack house.

About 30 feet away from the house, a few furious Guards came running to us in wolf form.

"Stop!" I shouted and a sudden confident attitude took over my body. Miraculously, the wolves did as I ordered and stopped in front of us.

One of the Guards shifted back while the other two wolves stared at Filius and I with distrusting glares. They both bared their teeth at us.

A shiver went through my body at seeing the sharp teeth.

"What are you doing here?"

"We have come to speak to Alpha Jeffrey and his son." Filius answered the boy I recognized to be Simon.

Simon clenched his jaw but nodded nonetheless. He motioned for us to follow him and his fellow pack members. He led us to the gigantic pack house. It was beautiful, but not as stunning as Jacob's pack house.

"Alpha Sean and Alpha Jeffrey await you in room 4."

Filius and I nodded and entered the pack house.

Another man, Tymo, guided Filius and I to room 4. The room in which a bully and a murderer were waiting.

This should be fun.

Tymo knocked three times and Jeffrey's deep voice told us to enter. Tymo opened the door and Filius and I hesitantly entered.

Jeffrey was sitting behind a huge desk with a devilish grin on his lips while Sean was sitting in a chair next to him.

"Sit, Nova and Filius," Jeffrey said. "We have lots to talk about."


Soooo, what do you guys think about it? I hope you all still like it, because I think it's a bit crappy...

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x L.

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