Chapter 20

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I had never seen the Ultara Academy at night before. The forest that had always surrounded the school disappeared into the haunting darkness. It was as if the trees shifted in place and buildings appeared much taller and darker. I had to pause and absorb the whole layout of the school in detail. There were lights glowing out of every room inside the mansions. Probably the lights in the Ultara Academy had never been turned off. In the hard stone walls, those young geniuses would stay overnight to study like hundreds of years ago.

I couldn't stop moving until I reached the main entrance, but as I pushed the massive iron gate, it didn't give way. Locked, I assumed. I forgot this heavy door was scheduled by an automatic open-shut system from the computer program.

Now I had to find another way in. Walking to the east side of the mansion, I didn't even dare to break my pace, squinting through the cold night to spot Cammie and Alyssa's suite. I knew they both shared the room together.

It literally took me just a few minutes to get there. I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw their light was still on. But the windows of their room were too high above the ground. The only way I could get inside was to climb. Fortunately, there was a huge oak tree not far away from the mansion wall. One of its branches stretched close to their windows.

"Perfect," I murmured to myself.

With a loud exhale, I stepped back and then ran toward the tree. Kicking the trunk to push myself upward, I finally hooked my hands and clung to the nearest branch. Then I did this ninja-move, hopping from one branch to the other until I reached the one closer to the window. It was way easier than I had thought, almost effortless. Sometimes, being a half-vampire helps.

From where I stood, light beaming through the window glass. Then I heard muffled noises came from the inside. But what I saw almost made me fall off the tree. Cammie was on the bed with another girl having sex. They both were sitting up, wrapping in each other's arms lovingly. I had heard that after our fight, Cammie had been coping by sleeping with more girls than usual, but I didn't expect to actually witness her doing it tonight.

Note to self: Ask Mom for some eye drop when I get home.

I could only see the other girl's back. Her heart-shaped bum was rocking rhythmically against Cammie's lower half. Her hands entangled my best friend's hair, gasping and moaning animalistic lust in each other's ears. Cammie's tonearms tightened around her bed-mate as they moaned louder, ready to reach the climax. I know I should wait until they were done, but I had something far more important than to wait for their tango kissing tongues and humping to be over.

I crept on the branch and reached my hand out to open the unlatched window.

"Cammie?!" I said as I dropped onto my feet inside their bedroom. When Cammie looked up and saw me, she let out a startled shriek, knocking the girl off of her. They both immediately covered their nakedness under the blanket.

"Oh my gosh! What are you doing here?" Cammie exclaimed with her eyes widened in surprise.

"Sorry to interrupt your 'bed' time," I said with an air quote. "But we need to talk."

"How did you get in here?" Cammie asked, her hands were still gripping onto the cover over her chest. The girl lying next to her didn't even bother to hide her naked self. She kept staring at me with her smoky gray eyes shining. Then she winked. Whoa...I'm not in for a threesome, lady!

"I climbed the tree," I said instead.

"You climbed that tree?" Cammie said as if it was the most shocking thing ever. "How could you do that? The tree is too high..."

"I don't climb trees because I like it, Cammie," I said to her. "I have something important. Can we talk?"

Cammie looked at me as if I'd just dropped from the moon. Then she shifted over to her girl and whispered something in her ear in Arabic. Then they kissed before the Arabian girl wrapped herself in a towel and got off the bed. Her long wavy dark hair flew over her slender shoulders. Her sexy small back had scratched marks left from Cammie's fingernails. I had to admit my best friend was hardcore in bed. After the girl walked out of the bedroom, Cammie turned to me.

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