Chapter 26

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"Are you sure you don't need this?" Octavia asked me, shaking the milk carton lightly in my sight as we sat around the couch in the room.

 "I can wait." I shrugged. "I'm still surprised that I don't feel as crazy as I was earlier. Thanks to Cammie."

 "Yep, I snapped you out of that big ass craving," Cammie smiled proudly as she took a seat opposite us.

 "Cammie, don't say ass," I scowled at her.

 "Oh, come on, Viv, you won't grow horns with just a few bad words," she said. I shot her a look.

 "Anyway," I said and turned to Octavia. "I thought you were busy."

 "I was, but your mom called me that you had called her at the hospital, so she asked me to check on you."

 "Oh well, a mother always knows when her child is in trouble," I said with a nod.

 "All because of that crazy succubus," Cammie muttered. "My hatred level is skyrocketed now."

 "What happened?" Octavia asked.

 Then I told her what happened in the Lunch Hall. When I finished the whole story, we all fell into silence again. Octavia looked like she had heard all these weird stuff before. She just nodded patiently without much of a surprised face.

 "So what do you think of that?" I asked her.

 "That's not new in the human history," she said with a slight shrug, "Psychic phenomena are something science is not capable of interpreting yet. But some people actually discover this power within themselves. They can use their mental ability to manipulate everything around them, just like that."

 "Okay, that's enough to make me give up on my current reality now," Cammie said, throwing her hands up. "Just tell me how Jacques could make Viv's milk committed suicide."

 "Well," Octavia exhaled. "Our thoughts are also energy. We're sending them out in a form of a magnetic wave. And energy can move over other energy, the same way you move your arms and legs using your brainwave."

 "You speak quantum physics!" Alyssa said with her eyes lightened up.

 "Yeah, a little," Octavia just shrugged modestly.

 "What is quantum physics, Einstein?" Cammie asked, her face was as blank as mine.

 "It's a physics theory that has opened up the secret of a physical world that we live in," she explained. "Through quantum physics, we know how everything in the universe works. The E=mc2..."

 "Speak English, Alyssa," Cammie and I said at the same time.

 "Alright...well...Let me explain you in this simple term," she said. "We are the most powerful energy transmitters in the universe. There are energy fields vibrating in magnetic frequency around us, we are the only species on the planet that can control our thoughts, unlike animals. And human thoughts are made of electrical rhythm within the brain. Let's assume that your brain can affect something directly without having to go through the nervous system of your body first, because why could it not be? It's not impossible that a brain can send an electrical wave through the air as it would through the nervous system. Our thoughts can be sent out and received just like a cell phone or a TV, and if you get really good at controlling your thoughts, you can channel them to affect anything you want."

 "All in all, this sounds so creepy," Cammie said.

 "That's why Jacques has the ability to move objects just by using her thoughts alone, and how I could even hear her thought."

 "If you ever need a word for it, it's called psychokinesis or telepathy," Cammie added. "The ability to move things with our mind and to know someone else's thoughts, but I guess Jacques is more gifted with the 'psycho' part."

 "And do vampires read minds or dominant thoughts?" I turned to Octavia again.

 "Anyone can do that through mental exercise or meditation," she said. "Not just vampires. It only appears much easier for us because of our extrasensory."

 "Like the way we can feel each other's presence?" I said again.

 "In case you don't know, we, half-blood, can sense any vampire's presence," she said. "But vampires can't distinguish us."

 "Oh cool," Alyssa breathed. Cammie also looked impressed as they both listened to us.

 "And why not?" I said.

 "We can pass as humans," Octavia said. "Maybe because of the fact that we're neither vampire nor human alone, so their extrasensory can't detect us."

 "Sounds like we're having a natural camouflage," I said.

 "I hope that's a good thing," Octavia smiled and I smiled back while from the corner of my eyes, Alyssa and Cammie exchanged an amused look.


 Here are the good thing and bad thing, Alyssa told me that Octavia was officially nominated as the hottest girl in the history of hotties, which if you ask me, it's kind of true. And Cammie started teaching me body language so that I could actually understand more about girls, especially that one girl, and which I didn't find it very educational at all. But the bad thing is we haven't seen Jacques anywhere since that day. Not even in some classes, we shared with her. I have no idea where she is hiding. But at least, no more unconscious students in the school.

 "Tell me again, Viv," Alyssa said as we were sitting in History class today. "You said your dad was a vampire and your mom is a human, but how did you happen?"

 I flinched with embarrassment.

 "I don't know, I just did."

 "What if two half-bloods get together?" Alyssa said because she knew talking about genetics is always in my big scoop of interest.

 "Well, if you were to do a Punnett Square and filled it up with 'VV' as vampire, and let's say 'HH' as humans then place them into all of the Parental Genotypes and the offspring-"

 "Hold on, hold on," Cammie interrupted, "Don't speak Biologist, please. I can't translate that."

 "Alright, in other words, if they had four children, two of them would be half-bloods, but one of them would be a true-blood and the other would be a human. Simple as that."

 "Wow, biology's pretty cool," Alyssa said, "And what if in the future, you and Octavia decide to have children-"

 I almost choked on the air I breathed.

 "Who says I'm going to have babies with Octavia?" I retorted.

 "Well, because you two can," Cammie said with a shrug. I dropped my jaw.

 "Even if we can, it doesn't mean I will be with her, and it doesn't mean that she will want to have babies with me!"

 "Ooh ooh ooh! So the whole point is, it's not because you don't like Octavia, but it's because you're afraid she doesn't like you?" Cammie nagged.

 I didn't know what to say to that, so I crossed my arms over my chest and said, "That's not the point."

 "Yeah, that's not the point," Alyssa said, "because the point is Octavia is in love with you."

 "What makes you think like that?" I argued.

 Alyssa theatrically rolled her eyes. She leaned closer to Cammie and whispered, "I'm sure if there was a test about love, Vivienne would get an F."

 I dropped my head in my hands and groaned.

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