Chapter 25: Telling Everyone

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Zack POV

After I proposed to Brooke she said she doesn't want anyone to know about the engagement for a few day. It really hurt when she said that but I respect her wishes and I wasn't in the mood of arguing with her, at least not for a while. Some people love to argue with others for the hell of it, but I could never do that.

The sun started peeking through the window so I guess it's about time to get up. I looked up to the alarm clock and read 8:46. As much as I'm not a morning person and there's no school, I have to get up. I rolled over to see my two favorite girls. I looked at Brooke's sleeping face, knowing this is what I'm going to wake up to every morning, and I'm never going to complain about that. God knows how long I've been looking at her but I can't turn away if my life depended on it.

"You know, Staring isn't polite." Brooke mumbled.

"You're now my fiancé, I'm allowed to stare at you as long as I want." I commented with a smirk.


"Aww. You love me."


"Let me cry for you. But first, you have to get your ass out of bed. Someone has a job she needs to get to."


She waddled to the bathroom and slammed the door. Normally I would be worried but this is our morning routine. As girly as this sounds, I love it. I jumped out of bed and make my way to the dresser. Since I work as a manager, I have to look like a normal person. I picked out a tight, Ralph Lauren shirt that Brooke loves, and some khakis. A few minutes later, Brooke comes out of the bathroom in her favorite white, fluffy towel. The thing I loved about that towel is how amazing it makes her bump look. I love clothes that make her stomach stick out. Knowing that a part of me is growing inside her is an amazing feeling to have throughout a stressful day. She dragged herself to the closet and picked out a white, sun dress, with a brown belt above her bump. She paired the dress with brown, strappy heels. After a few minutes of standing up, her feet are going to be killing her but for some weird reason she keeps wearing them. For the past week, she's been wearing heels and always complaining about how her feet hurt. Hopefully soon she'll learns.

We walked downstairs to eat breakfast really quick before we left. I programmed the Keurig so we can have a nice cup of coffee. Yes, drinking coffee during pregnant is safe if you limit yourself, we talked to the doctor just to make sure. Brooke really didn't want to go cold turkey. While I was doing that, she was making scrambled eggs for the both of us. We ate in silence and when we finished we put the dishes in the sink. Whoever came home first, most the time me, would be responsible for doing the dishes from breakfast. After that we walked out the door and went to our cars and drove to work.

I parked in my usual spot and went inside. I was a little late so there were so customers there already but not many. I went to my office and saw my desk phone blinking, signaling I have a voicemail. I clicked play while I was unpacking my stuff.

"You have two unheard messages. First unheard message. 'Hey sexy, when's the next time we can get together? I miss you and I know you have to miss me. I used to think you were avoiding me but then I realized it's because of you're stupid whore that won't leave you alone. Love you sexy, Ally.'" I pressed delete as fast as I could. Ally normally didn't get to me but calling my fiancé a whore crosses the line with me big time. "Next unheard message, 'Hey son, I know I was going to wait till you're 21 to get the family business but I want to give it to you know. You're mom has been hinting about traveling around the world and not just for business so I think this year I want to retire. We can talk later to figure out all the details. Just call me back. Thanks."

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