Chapter 27: Yes

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Brooklyn POV

I turned back and ran out the door, well I ran as fast as I possibly could. I didn't want to look at him. I didn't want to look at him. I didn't want to do anything that might possibly relate to him.

I heard them both calling me, but I honestly didn't give a shit. My mother knew I didn't want to talk to him and she knew I was coming so she should've gotten rid of him before I came. And Zack, well I don't even want to start on him. He's put me through hell and back, yet I love him and still want to be with him. It's stupid but I want it. For the longest time, I've wanted a guy to want me, to love me, but I guess I'm just not fortunate enough to have that.

I turned on my car and drove way above the speed limit to get to her house. I told her I would text her but who cares, I just want to get to my best friend. I've never wanted to just leave her for such a long time for no real reason at all.

After driving for what felt like an eternity, I pulled up into her drive way. I turned the car off, opened and closed the door, and walked up the brick walkway to get to her door. I banged on the door before welcoming myself into her home.

She came racing down the stairs and eloped me in a hug.

"If I wasn't so happy to see you, I would probably kill you for leaving me to do absolutely nothing."

"I'm sorry. I just had to leave. I knew he would come here and my moms looking for me so I went to Mel's house and hid there for a month. At least he only texted her and didn't drive up there."

"I understand. Oh by the way, funny shirt. But unfortunately for you, I'm going to touch your belly anyways. I want to feel my niece."

"You know we aren't related right?"

"Yes but you are practically my sister so she's my niece."

"I know I'm just annoying you."

"Lets go sit down. I have a feeling you're tired from all this driving and your feet are killing you for standing this long."

We walk to her living room from the front entrance. I sit on my favorite light, neutral love seat and she sits on the recliner. I would've sat in the recliner but if I sat down in that then I would never get up.

"What are you going to do about Zack. I know he was at your moms house and thats why you ran here."

"How'd you know that?" I was beyond confused on how she knew that without me staying a word to her about Zack or my mothers house experience.

"I'm physic." I stared at her waiting for a normal answer. "Fine, your mom called me and told me that she called Zack over so you guys could talk it out."

"That makes more sense now."

"Rude! Well anyways, what are you going to do?"

"Nothing. I don't want to deal with it right now." I honestly didn't. I don't want to here that he actually cheated on me. As much as I didn't want to believe it, it made sense. I told him I didn't want anyone to know about the engagement then I hear about it on the radio. He went to lunch with her, I mean that explains it all right there.

"B? You still in there?" she said while waving her hands in my face.

"Yeah sorry." Lately I've been getting so distracted. Most the time something reminded me of Zack so I had to think about him.

"I think you should talk to him. At least then you can tell your daughter that you made an effort instead of just leaving him in the dust." She paused trying to figure out what to say. "As much as you don't want to talk to him, do it for your daughter. If she asks, you'll always want to sound like the better parent."

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