[Chapter 2] The Night Before

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Seth was picking me up to grab a bite at McDonald's around 8pm. Seth was well-built and had dark gray eyes and short, light brown hair. He was really nice when you got to know him, and he had a sweet side to him. For instance, he always told me how beautiful I was; with my curly, black, shoulder length hair with side-swept bangs, my dark brown eyes, and my petite structure. He loved me for who I was, and whenever I complained about my weight or wanting to dye my hair, he told me to shut up because I was perfect in his eyes.

He and I met at our first job - working at the local café. When I first met him, I found him intimidating, and that he was out of place there, with his muscular strength and all. And because of that, employees made fun of him behind his back and acted as if he wasn't there.

So one day, during our lunch break, I decided to confront him. He told me that he hated it here, and he'd rather work at some sports place, but his mom wanted him to work here because it was her first job and she loved it, and she wanted the same for him. He also said, quote en quote, "I know all of them hate me, and I hate those bitches and bastards too!" But he told me that I seemed pretty cool.

From that day on, we grew closer and closer as we ate lunch together, cleaned tables together, restocked the supplies together, et cetera.

Our relationship "started" when I was invited to Becca's party (she was the "popular" coworker, and every guy wanted to get into her pants) and he wasn't. I decided to go, hell, it was free food and drink. And I could probably pick up a few things about the gossip floating around the workplace too.

The party began and Becca and everyone sat down in a circle on the rug in the center of her living room. The first order of business: what bugs you the most about Seth? The topic made me uncomfortable from the start. I heard a few comments (that were quite incorrect and really rude), and I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and walked straight out of her apartment.

As I turned the corner to take the elevator down, he was standing there. His eyes were red and bloodshot and his nose was running. I asked him what was wrong.

"Brooke, you're the only person in that damn café who gives a fuck about me," He sniffled and then smirked, "I really like you, like, not just like you, I think I love you." He ran his fingers through his hair. I just stared at him in a trance - he was really intriguing.

I snapped back into reality and smiled, I had sort of acquired a crush on him too. "Do you really mean that?"

"I haven't been more sure in my life," He admitted.

I just stared at him.

He sighed, "I probably sound like the most desperate guy in the world to you right now."

"No," I reassured him, "Not at all." I wiped my mouth in case I was drooling.

We stood in silence for a while, looking awkwardly around, and then we caught eye contact. We gradually moved closer to each other until our lips touched. It was magic (at least for me). He pulled my small body closer to his large one and placed his hands gently on the bottom of my jaw on each side. I wrapped my arms around his back.

He drove me home because Sadie, my ride home and friend at work, was still at the party and I wouldn't want to go back in there.

So now we're back to the night before the whole church deal. I had put on a nice gray, cotton skirt my mother had gotten me so I could fit in better at school with all of the girls. I took it in my hands when she gave it to me and told her I'd wear it every day - I lied. I haven't touched it at all. Until that day at least. To go with it, I wore a light, pale blue shirt that had short sleeves. I tucked it into the skirt. I tied a wide black belt around where the two articles of clothing met. I pulled my bangs back with a clip and applied some Chapstick.

Seth picked me up and we went out. We shared a ten piece McNugget meal and left for a walk in the park. He liked it better at night because there weren't all of the annoying kids bothering us.

He forgot that the park was closed for a concert for a cover band that was sold out. So we decided to just walk the streets. He told me he knew a shortcut to this record store, where we could just walk around and listen to the demo music.

We were walking down a dimly lit alley hand in hand. It was cold and starting to rain, so he gave me his sweatshirt to keep me warm. I clung to his arm in fear. I never really liked walking around at night, in the dark, all alone (even though he was there with me).

Suddenly, this man walked out from one of the abandoned shops. He wore a hoodie and jeans - I could tell only because of the shadow and shape of the clothing.

"What are you doing here in the late hours of the night?" He yelled down to us.

"We're just taking a short cut," Seth explained, "We don't mean to bother you." We continued walking towards the man. That's when he pulled out a gun. Seth and I stopped short in our tracks. We both put our hands up in the air in surrender.

"This is my territory. Turn around."

"No," Seth retorted rebelliously.

I looked at him like he was insane. I stood up on my tiptoes and whispered in his ear, "Listen to him, Seth. Please."

He looked down at me and sneered, "You know I never do."

And with that statement, Seth bolted towards the man and pinned him to the ground. He began punching him senselessly. All I could see were Seth's elbows coming up and going down and the blood beginning to spread on the ground coming from the unidentified man. The man weakly put the gun up to Seth's head, but failed when Seth grabbed it and shot him instead. I gasped at the horror.

"Seth!" I shouted as I ran up to him and touched his shoulder. "What the fuck did you just do?"

"Self defense," He put his hand on the pavement to support him as he stood up. He wiped his bloody hands on his jeans and looked at me, "Don't worry, babe."

"Don't worry!?!" I retorted, taking a step back, "You just killed someone! And you expect me not to worry? What if you get arrested? And go to jail! And then die there!"

"It was self defense, Brooklyn. Calm down. Everything's going to be fine."

I was starting to regret sticking up for this guy weeks ago. I mean, I love him to death, don't get me wrong, but he lives life as if it's just a game and you can just regenerate when you die. I just want to tell him, "That's not who it works, Seth." But I never have the courage too.

I began to pace back and forth, "What are we going to do now?"

Three men walked out of the same place the first guy did and pointed us out, "Hey!"

Seth grabbed my hand and we began to run in the direction where we came. The rain began to fall down harder and more raindrops began to hit and splatter on my face. I pulled up the hood with my free hand so that my hair wouldn't get any more soaked than it already was.

And that's how I got in the dilemma I'm in right now.

There I was, sitting in the middle of the aisle in church, holding my dead boyfriend's body close to my chest. The front doors flung open to reveal my older brother, Liam. He was completely drenched and breathing heavily.

"Brooke!" He shouted, running towards me.

I gently sat down Seth's body and ran into his arms. I buried my head into his chest and began to sob into his wet, leather jacket.

Liam, like my father, was quite tall. He had chocolate brown hair, the only one in the family, that was shaggy and looked like he never does anything to it, but I guess it worked for him.

He hugged me tightly and rested his chin on the top of my head, "I'm glad you're okay, Brooke."

I was crying too hard to reply.

"What happened?" He tried to get the answer out of me.

I didn't respond at all. I couldn't get the guts to speak. I was so shaken.

He sighed, "Let me take you home, Brooke. I think you need a little break."

I stepped back and pulled the two sides of the maroon sweatshirt inward to my chest and closed my eyes. I could feel the tear drops fall from my eyes and run down my cheeks. I walked out of the church and kept walking, Liam had to run to catch up with me I was walking so fast.

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