[Chapter 9] Working on the Smosh Set

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I wake up on my side, looking out my window at the navy blue sky with little specks of white in little clusters. I could even see some of the constellations, but only a few. My blinds divided the scene into one-inch bars; the flat pieces of plastic glowed as the moon shined down on them.

I turned to my other side and looked at my clock; it was 2:36 in the morning. I laid back and sighed. I was too excited for my first day on the job with Anthony and Ian, and I was unsure on why. Well, let's see: a major plus was that I got to see Anthony, with his irrestistable eyes and hair and personality. Then there was Ian's and my newfound friendship. And, who wouldn't want to work with friends and get paid for it!?!

I turned on my side and stared out my window again. I tried my best not to think, I just wanted to black out so I could get some sleep. All I did was absorb the sounds of the birds outside my room chirping back and forth, the sound of the wind cutting through the window, rattling the blinds, and sending a chill through my body.

Then, out of nowhere, I hear a faint, "Brooke...Brooke!"

I sat up in fright, clenching the top of the comforter between my fingers and my palm and holding it up to my chest. I could feel my heart beating at 1000 beats per minute and my quick, soft breaths entering and escaping my slightly opened lips. I saw in the corner of my room, out of my peripheral vision, a white light. I turned my head slightly to see a fuzzy, misty figure of someone. They were looking around the room, sometimes making eye contact with me. They seemed worried and frantic. I blinked, and the image disappeared.

I passed out and fell back onto my bed. And eventually fell to the carpet as the blankets I held onto for dear life slipped off of the mattress and onto the floor.


I opened my eyes and saw white - everything was white. There was a slight glow from the farthest right side of the room. I sat up quickly, hurting my neck. I screamed as a sharp pain shot from the bottom of my left ear to the middle of my back. I smacked the places where the pain pulsated, and held my hands there. I squeezed my eyes shut and laid back slowly.

Liam's heavy footsteps echoed throughout the hallway and stopped in front of my closed bedroom door. Then, I hear the metal on metal screeching of the rusty doorknob turning and felt a small gust of wind sweep my hair over my face.

"Brooke!" Liam shouted as he knelt down, slipped his hands beneath my head, and rested my head between his thighs. "What happened?" He inquired.

"Bad night..." I mumbled as I slapped my hands over my eyes to block the sunlight that flooded through my window from touching my sensitive eyes.

He lightly places the dorsal side of his hand on my forehead.

I lowered my hands and dropped them on the ground as I glared up at him. "I'm not sick, dumbass."

"I know, Brooke, but I'm just checking." He wiped the hair out of my face and put it behind my ear. Sometimes I think that Liam takes this whole "parent" postion too far, for instance, when he treats me like his own baby girl.

"I have to go to work today." I reminded him.

He smiled, "I know, it's so sad to see you grow up." Haha, there's another one of those awkward taking-it-too-far moments.

I sighed and sat up. The pain in my back resurfaced and I placed my hand on my lower back. It felt like one of those really bad period cramps (which I didn't have because I just had it a week ago).

He put his hand on my shoulder. "I'll go make us some breakfast. Do french toast sticks sound good to you?"

"Yeah, whatever." I scratched my head.

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