Chapter Eleven- Losing Battle

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~Authors Note! Hey, everyone, I know I've asked this before, but please please please comment!! I WANT to hear your thoughts! It means a lot to me when you take time to share them with me, so if you read, I'd love to know it! Please and thanks:) Enjoy~


 I stood up, backing behind Jack who was standing defensively behind me, my breathing hard and heavy. Sydney scrambled up off the ground, taking her place beside me, behind our one and only protecter. 

   “Where are they?” I squeaked, trying to keep my voice low. 

   “Close,” was all he responded with. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes and wrapping my hands around his large bicep. Every night seemed like it was going to be my last, and it was driving me crazy. I just wanted to feel safe! I wanted to know I wasn’t being hunted, I wanted to know I would still be alive the next day, I wanted reassurance... but that’s just something no one could provide me at this point. 

   “Are we gonna die?” Sydney asked, her voice shaky, low. 

   “I can’t tell the future, Sydney. I want to say no, but I also don’t want to lie to you.” he replied stiffly. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sydney slightly flinch, but she stayed composed, her face completely emotionless. 

  I heard the brush behind us rustle, and Jack was suddenly in front of us, his large arms winding behind him to embrace me and Sydney in a protective way. I peered around his right shoulder struggling to see the two giant wolves emerging from the bushes and trees. I swallowed hard, saying my last mental goodbyes to everyone. 

   “This is it,” I thought to myself, “I really am going to die this time...” 

   “Max,” Jack said slowly, his tone sure and strong. “I’d really love some... I don’t know, cooperation.” he decided. The largest russet wolf snapped his vicious, wet teeth at him, growling menacingly. 

   “Okay, so cooperation’s not on the list, huh?” he asked. The wolves were sauntering forward, their ears flat against their skulls, and we were all stumbling back to, trying to put a bit of distance between us and these giant monsters. 

   “I’m willing to negotiate...” he said calmly, gripping my wrist. The two wolves froze, turned their giant heads to each other, and nodded. Then the largest one disappeared into the forest, the smaller grey one still standing a mere ten feet away from us, continuously slithering forward. Faster than I thought possible, the same tall, muscular man, maybe twenty, that I had seen in the basement of the hotel appeared, wearing nothing but a pair of ripped up cut-off shorts. Bare-foot, bare chest exposing his obvious six-pack. 

   “Okay, Drobniak,” he addressed the other wolf, “go phase now, I can handle this.” the wolf huffed, turning around and running into the dark now. 

   “What, you don’t trust us? So you have to phase one at a time?” Jack asked sourly. 

   “Your fast, Jack,” Max purred, “which means you could run off.” at that moment, Drobniak appeared again, wearing the same thing as Jack. 

   “I asked you to negotiate, and if you’re willing to do that, I’m willing to stay.” he answered stiffly. 

   “I see...” Maxs’ smile was evil, exposing his teeth that were sharp even in human form. “what would you like to negotiate, Jack? Name your stake.” 

   “I don’t want to be part of this stupid pack anymore, Max. I’m done, just let me out.” 

   “No can do. You see Jack, it’s in our blood, it’s part of the legend of our tribe.”

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