Chapter Sixteen- Memories

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~Authors Note! As Always, I'm gonna beg you to comment, vote and fan, but I'm just happy your reading so please enjoy! Btw, I REALLY need a cast!! Give me a few suggestions for the main characters!! Thanks! Enjoy!:)~


Thud thud. Thud thud. Thud thud. 

  I could hear my heart. It was literally echoing in my ears as I ran. There was sweat dewing on my brow as I started running short of breath. I couldn’t find them. Were they teasing me? Playing with me? My foot caught a fallen branch and I plummeted to the dirty ground, gasping as I felt I re-injured my ankle I had hurt at the hotel. But this was no time for pain. I pushed myself up, swirling in a circle as I tried to figure out which direction to go. I was completely lost. 

  I heard Sydney yelling, and it sounded no more than twenty to thirty feet ahead of me, hidden behind the trees. So, they weren’t tricking me. They did have Sydney. I didn’t know wether that was a relief or not... 

  I shot forward, ignoring my throbbing ankle, towards Sydney, towards the monsters that were holding her hostage. 

  I hurtled over another fallen branch into a small, round clearing. More like a meadow. Tall grass, smelled kind of like clover, hay and wildflowers, slight breeze... it would’ve been extremely relaxing. Except I saw that son of a bitch, Max, and two of his evil sidekicks flanking him, in the middle of it all. I gasped, looking around wildly until I spotted Sydney, hands and ankles tied up, roped around a tree with another member of the pack sitting five feet from her, eyeing her while carving something into the same tree with a pocket knife. Sydneys eyes were stained red with tears, her chest moving rapidly with each breath she took, and there was blood running down her arm... what did they do to her? She met my gaze, her eyes horrified and I knew she wished I hadn’t come after her. 

   “Ahh, young Kaylee!” Max exclaimed, breaking the silence, seeming delighted to see me. I didn’t replied. I just stared at him. 

   “My dear,” he came up to me, taking my hands. I flinched away, yanking my hands back. He chuckled and leaned in to whisper in my ear,    

   “I knew you’d come after her.” 

   “She’s my best friend,” I spat, “of course I’m gonna come after her.” 

   “Hmmm...” he sighed. “You seem like you’d be a fun person to be around, Kaylee. Too bad we’re gonna have to kill you.” he making a tisking noise, like it was such a pity. 

   “Why are you doing this?” I asked desperately. 

   “Because your little lover Jack is a dumbass, sweetheart.” 

   “Don’t call him a dumbass.” I yelled through my teeth, pushing his shoulders. He stumbled back a few feet, staring at me in disbelief when he gained his balance. 

   “Did you just push me?” 

   “And don’t call me sweetheart.” I spat, ignoring his question. He stalked up to me, gripping my upper arm much too tightly. I wanted to protest, to yell ow, to flinch away, but that would just piss him off more. 

   “I’ll call you whatever I want, sweetie.” he sneered. I didn’t reply, my face disgusted. “And don’t give me that look.” he snapped, digging his nails in my arm. 

   “Why did you bring me here?” I asked. 

   “Well, honey, for bait.” he answered nonchalantly. Ah. I knew it. I knew it. He would stoop so low. 

   “Bait so you can...” I swallowed. “Capture Jack.” I whispered, my throat thick. 

   “Bingo! You’re smarter than I thought, Kaylee.” 

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