Chapter Sixteen

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Hello :) 

Have a chapter a few days early. Hopefully I can concentrate on my assignment now that I'm not going to be obsessing over this... D: There should still be a chapter Friday though :) 

Let me know what you think! :)



" – and then, Sebastian changed all the locks around!" Miles exclaimed, laughing so hard while telling me the story that I barely understood what he was talking about. I snorted a little bit, more amused at how funny Miles was finding the story than the story itself.

"So let me get this straight. Sebastian was supposed to be at school at 6am because he had swimming practice, but the class was cancelled?" I asked, and Miles nodded as he wiped tears of laughter from his eyes.

"And because he was bored, and didn't consider calling someone to come pick him up again, he entered the school anyway, and down one of the hallways that held the lockers from one of the younger year levels, he thought it would be funny to pick the combination locks from around one hundred and fifty lockers... so he could swap them around?" I asked. Miles howled with laughter again, and my lips twitched, starting to see the funny side now that I understood it.

"You should have seen it! By 9am there were one hundred and fifty students unable to get into their lockers. They had to start a line-up at the first locker and try their combination on every locker until they found their lock. It was great!" Miles grinned, finally calming down. I shook my head, trust Sebastian to get into mischief like that. It was pretty ingenious though, I must admit.

"How did the teachers take it?" I asked curiously. Out of our little group including Miles, Julian, Sebastian and I, Sebastian was the troublemaker. Our group was a bit nerdy - everyone besides Sebastian tended to avoid trouble and you know, actually learn at school. Sebastian just couldn't seem to help himself. Anytime he got bored, trouble started, and poor Julian usually got dragged kicking and screaming into the centre of it.

"Oh he's suspended again. Julian isn't impressed though, the teachers assumed he had something to do with it and he's got lunch time detentions for a week." Miles said, seemingly torn between finding the whole thing hilarious and feeling sorry for Julian. I winced in sympathy for Sebastian. When Julian got pissed he could hold a grudge like no one's business.

"The things I miss when I don't go to school. How did Ryder take that?" I asked curiously, trying to ask about Todd without actually asking about Todd. I'd missed school today because Em had sprained her ankle while at her friends the other night and was having the day off. I had to stay home and look after her while Mom was at work. Miles rolled his eyes.

"He just stood there, shaking his head with that air of disapproval he always seems to have. Parker gave Sebastian a high five though." Miles said shrugging, a small smile on his face. I bit my lip, trying to hold it in.

"What about Todd?" I blurted and Miles glanced over at me, eyes narrowed. I avoided his eyes, playing with my bedspread while waiting for his answer.

"Todd wasn't at school today either." Miles said slowly and I felt nauseas. Was he trying to avoid me because of our kiss? Did he regret it? I glanced up and saw Miles staring at me, waiting for a reply.

"Oh." I said lamely. Miles sighed and leant back on his hands. He studied me for a few seconds before his eyes widened and something clicked.

"You like him, don't you?" Miles breathed out, eyes wide. I flushed and stared at the bedspread before shrugging.

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