Chapter Twenty-Eight

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This update took so long because, SUPRISE! DOUBLE UPDATE! Read the Authors Note at the bottom for more details :) YAYAY 




I knocked on Ryder's door, waiting anxiously until Ryder yanked it open and pulled me in. I followed him into his living room where Miles was half-sitting, half-laying on the couch, almost falling asleep. I looked at him sympathetically, running my eye over the bruises that covered his face and ringed his throat with a grimace.

"I think they doped him up with pain meds at the hospital." Ryder whispered and I nodded in agreement, moving over to sit on the other couch. A car in the driveway made me perk up, hoping it was Jesse before my eye was caught on the clock on the wall. It was only quarter to four – Jesse probably hadn't even reached his house yet, let alone gotten stuff ready to come here.

"Honeyyy, I'm hooommme" A voice sang out and Ryder scowled at the door to the living room as a large body came into view. I sighed, immediately knowing that it was Xavier that was destroying our peace and quiet.

"Sheesh. What's got you two looking so down in the... Holy fuck." Xavier said as he walked into the room before he came to a complete stop at the sight of Miles on the couch. He walked over to him, crouching down and leaning right in to inspect Miles' face. I waited for Miles to push him away, but when he didn't move I shrugged. Clearly he was too doped up to care that Xavier was getting in his face again, or he really was asleep.

"Who do I need to kick the shit out of?" Xavier asked, his voice turning eerily calm. I swallowed, trying to figure out if I wanted to be responsible for Donald's murder or if I should keep my yap shut.

"Miles will tell you himself if he wants you to know about who or what happened." Ryder said from beside me and I relaxed, glad that the decision was taken out of my hands. Xavier glared at us before he got up and sat carefully beside Miles, reaching over and gently scooping him into his arms. Miles' good eye fluttered open dazedly before drifting shut again.

"He's going to be incredibly shitty if he wakes up like that." I point out carefully and Xavier frowns at me before looking back at Miles, studying his face.

"Shut up. I just want a cuddle." Xavier replied absent-mindedly as he lifted a hand and rubbed a short lock of red hair between his fingers, studying the colour, before gently shifting Miles up into an almost seated position until his face was hidden in Xavier's neck.

"You're creepy." I said and Ryder snorted out a laugh as Xavier glared at me, looking a strange mixture of intimidating and sweet as he rested his cheek on top of Miles' head. A knock on the door startled me and Ryder got up to answer it.

"Holy shit. Is he okay?" Jesse said as he rushed into the living room before stopping dead in his tracks at the sight of the two on the couch.

"He's not going to like being there when he wakes up." Jesse said cautiously and Xavier scowled at him.

"Not that I have anything against it." Jesse added on hastily before spinning around and squishing in beside me on the couch, and then turning his head and giving me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled at him, looping an arm around his shoulders and pulling him into a hug.

"I missed you." I whispered to him, trying to keep my voice down so Ryder wouldn't hear and pick on me for it later. From the slight smirk he sent my way, I didn't succeed. Jesse looked up at me, searching my eyes for something before smiling and kissing me on the cheek again before turning away. I frowned at the lack of a reply. Didn't he miss me too?

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