Chapter 10 - Into The Fray

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Raven jolted awake and looked around the room. It was dimly lit, with a single light bulb shining above her head. She looked down at her feet and noticed she had been bound to a chair. Where am I? she wondered.

The door opened as the ASO's commander walked into the room and turned on the rest of the lights. He was a tall man. 6'1", and very lethal like his agents. "Look who's finally awake," he said while walking up to the chair.

"Wh- you?!" Raven asked while looking up at the ASO's commander. "Why'd you guys kidnap me? What have you done with Nick?"

The ASO's commander let out a soft chuckle and said, "Relax, Gonzales. We have done anything to him... yet. But, there is someone that'll be dying to come face-to-face with him again." He let out a mischievous smile as he heard a pair of footsteps come up behind him.

The only perfect clone of Agent Phoenix cracked his own mischievous grin as he suddenly appeared, standing next to his boss. "Did you miss me, Raven?" he asked. He was dressed in Agent Striker's original outfit, the one that he had while still a member of the agency, but it had been modified vastly.

The geometric badge on the right side of the uniform now contained the silhouette of a black and crimson phoenix replacing the letter S. Instead of silver, the outfit now had a single gold trim running down the sleeves and the sides of the uniform. The only thing that hadn't changed was the ASO's badge on the left sleeve.

"You'll never get away with this! I know that this is all a plot to get Nick to side with you guys again," Raven said while trying to break free of the ropes. She looked down and gasped. Oh, fuck. Where are they? she thought, looking back up.

"Looking for these?" The ASO commander held up Raven's throwing knives and escrima sticks. "You and your band of heroes have lost, Gonzales. Not even Nick can-"

An agent burst into the room. "Sir! Enemy approaching," he said, cocking his gun back as he ran with a squad of agents towards the main entrance of the facility.

The commander looked at Phoenix and said, "You know what to do," before walking with him towards a long and blinding hallway, leaving Raven trapped in the room. He flipped a switch, causing the lights that illuminated the hallway to shut off to add an element of surprise.

The ISA's vehicles skidded to a halt in the AAO's parking lot, outside of the main entrance. However, the Ford Mustang broke off from the group and drove towards the back entrance of the facility.

Nick quickly stepped out of the vehicle, grabbing the weapons from the holsters on his uniform as he walked towards the back door. He looked up at the security camera above his head and fired a quick shot at the lens, disabling it. He then pulled out a safety pin and began picking the lock.

On the other side of the building, Miguel was planting a C4 explosive onto the door while the other agents got their weapons ready to take out incoming enemies.

The door blew open, followed by the sound of screaming and gunfire. Agents on both sides started taking cover and fired from behind barricades and walls. Bodies were dropping as the ISA continued their assault in search of Raven.

Nick finally managed to pick the lock and kick the door down, taking out the guard with a silent takedown. He walked over to the control panel. This was the first time he had actually seen the control panel to the security system and started flipping switches and pressing buttons, hoping that the security systems would deactivate. He then silently slithered around the corner and found himself in a long winding hallway.

Miraculously, the security systems deactivated, allowing the ISA agents to continue on. But then bullets started flying again, as 5 agents dropped to the floor and the others took cover once again.

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