10. Real or Not?

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The moment I rang the bell to my house, it flew open and I saw a furious but still crying aunt Carrie. She had streaks of tears on her cheeks and her eyes were red and puffy. I stepped on the single step that was in front of me and I got pulled into a tight embrace.

Aunt Carrie hugged me tightly and cried which made me smile.

It made me smile, again.

After a while she let go of me and started her complaining rant.

"I was so worried about you. When Kyle came over and said that you ran away from school, I thought that you'd come back before dinner but I was wrong. You had your cellphone off and I was just so damn worried about you, young lady." She ranted and I couldn't myself but to smile at her.

"And now you're smiling at me as if it doesn't even bother you." She continued but stopped and looked at my face once more. I smiled wider and she had opened her eyes wider than before.

"You're smiling?" She asked and I nodded.

"Oh my gosh, you're smiling." She stated this time and pulled me in a bear hug again. I just hugged her back still with a smile on my face.

"Come on, let's go inside. Kyle was worried about you too." Aunt Carrie said and I stepped into the house and she closed the front door behind me.

She walked towards the living room and I followed closely behind. Once we had reached the living room, I was once again embraced in a hug by none other than Kyle.

He wasn't crying but I could see the worry clearly on his face. I patted his back and he sighed into the hug.

"Don't ever do that again." He mumbled and I nodded still embracing the boy.

When we broke apart, I saw aunt Carrie smiling at the two of us. Kyle seemed to notice this and turned to her with a questioning look.

"What? Can't I just look at you two?" Aunt Carrie dramatically said and I smiled while Kyle laughed.

"No, because it's creepy." Kyle said with a smirk and aunt Carrie pouted, and then silence fell upon us which was broken from a rumbling sound that had come from my empty stomach.

Both Kyle and aunt Carrie looked towards me and I just sheepishly smiled.

"Come on I'll make something for you." Aunt Carrie said and went to the kitchen while Kyle and I were left in the living room alone.

"Will you tell me what happened today, Hayden?" Kyle asked softly after aunt Carrie had left the living room.

I bowed my head and I heard him sigh.

"Well, you'll have to explain to Claire though. She was so worried about you that she insisted that I take her here." Kyle said while shoving his hands in his jeans' pockets.

I looked at him wide eyed and he laughed at my action.

"I didn't bring her here. I just told her that she'll have to talk to you tomorrow at school." Kyle explained and I sighed in relief.

"Oh, but you're gonna get a hell of a lecture tomorrow, my friend." Kyle said with his hand now on my shoulder and I frowned upon that.

"Kyle, Hayden, come on. Food's ready!" Aunt Carrie yelled from the kitchen.

Kyle smirked at me and went into the kitchen leaving me with my thoughts.

What did he mean by lecture?

I shrugged and went into the kitchen as well.

I'll just have to wait till tomorrow to find out what he meant.

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