13. Explaining

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"So, now that we know, uh, about each other's feelings, does this mean that we can, um, go on a date?" Claire asked awkwardly and I turned to her with an eyebrow raised. She had her hands fidgeting in her lap while her eyes were focused on the carpeted floor of the library.

The bell had rung a few minutes earlier and I knew that we both weren't about to take fifth period.

"I-I d-don't kn-know."

I reached out to hold her hand which was on her lap. She intertwined our fingers with a smile on her face while I smiled Seeing her smile.

I knew it's cheesy but I felt as if seeing her smile made me fall in love with her all over again. The way she smiled, the way she frowned, even the way she smirked looking all smug made me love her more than before.

"So, are we keeping this a secret from our friends?" Claire asked as she placed her head on my shoulder grabbing my arm with her other hand.

"D-do y-you want i-it to b-be?" I asked with my voice raspy and throaty. I still can't believe that I spoke to her, aunt Carrie is going to die from happiness.


"T-then it w-won't be a-a s-secret."

Silence fell upon us as I played with her fingers that were wrapped around my own and she drew patterns on the skin of my arm with her other hand. My heart was still beating fast and loud from the confession we both had shared with each other and I knew that it wouldn't be slowing down anytime soon.

"I love your voice."

Claire had raised her head from my shoulder and was now looking into my eyes with her own, very green, eyes. I gulped visibly trying to control my eyes from averting towards her very soft and plump lips.

Her eyes were still staring into mine when my eyes, not so discretely, fell to her lips that instantly formed into a smirk and I groaned loudly.

She laughed as I tried to hide my face in my hands but she held my hands in her own while my cheeks turned red.

"Aww, are you blushing?" Claire smirked as she carefully seated herself onto my stretched-out legs now.

I looked around not wanting to look at her smirk even though it was extremely beautiful. She placed both her hands on my cheeks and raised my face to level with her own.

I closed my eyes and another laugh surrounded us as my hands were placed beside me limply.

"Open your eyes." Claire ordered and I shook my head still with my eyes closed.

I shook my head from between her hands as I kept my eyes closed. I heard her grumble before I felt soft lips connecting with my own. My eyes flew open as her closed.

I kissed her with the same intensity and love that she was conveying.

She smiled in our kiss before she pulled away leaving me breathless and wanting more. As I opened my eyes, I saw a soft smile playing on her lips and a warm hand stroking my cheek lovingly.

A smile made its way onto my own lips and as we were about to lean in again for a kiss, when we were rudely interrupted.

"There they are!"

A series of shh's followed after and a small sorry came from the owner of the voice.

Claire got off of my lap when Kyle smirked at us, with Josh and Clayton. Alyson stood closely behind the three boys.

"Ooh, was someone doing something in the library?" Kyle teased as he glanced from Claire to me.

I glared at him when I saw Claire turn red from embarrassment.

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