Chapter 4.1 - Christine

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Chapter four


The wind rushed through Sam's hair as he jogged down the street, towards the park, his iPod blasting in his ears. He'd been waiting for weeks to get the time to run again, but he couldn't enjoy it. He kept racking his brain, trying to come up with a sure-fire way to tell his parents about the camp so that they'll let him go. He'd already decided that the less they knew about the specifics, the better.

Hey, Mom and Dad, I want to go to study camp. It's a boring history thing. We'll be going to Mexico to check out some ancient ruins. Can you sign this release form so I can get out of the country? Oh, the ruins are in the middle of a busy city.

Damn it, he couldn't lie. He was very bad at it and his parents would become curious and force every little detail out of him. How could he make this about his father's agency? If Sam got Freider's support, his dad would convince his mom to let him go even if the whole adventure involved a jungle.

Fighting off jaguars will help strengthen my resolve to spy on married people. He should be a stand-up comedian, not an archeologist.

"Hi, Sam."

He skidded to a halt and looked over his shoulder. Christine stood in the middle of the sidewalk, a few feet away, smiling at him, looking illegally beautiful.

Sam knees became so weak, he had to concentrate not to trip over his own feet as he pivoted towards her. Christine walked to him, her heels clicking on the sidewalk like musical notes, pulled a headphone out of his ear and brought it to hers.

"ATB, huh?"

AT-what? Oh, the music. "It's good running music." His voice came out huskier than usual and he did his best not to cringe.

Christine laughed the melodious sound. "True. If I'd have to run, this is probably what I'd choose as well." She lowered her chin and looked at him. "This is the first time we speak."

Sam yanked the other headphone out, the music suddenly too loud and distracting. "Yeah, I guess so." She could have anyone. Why on earth was she talking to him? He couldn't even get a coherent, intelligent statement out.

Christine batted her eyelashes then bobbed her head to the music. "I heard rumors that you and Lisa are going out."

Why? Why did she hear something like that? And who dared spread such a vicious rumor. "We're not."

"Perfect." Christine grinned and threw the headphone back to him. "It was nice talking to you."

"Yeah, really nice." God, he was an idiot. Couldn't he come up with something better?

"I'll see you around." Christine waved at him and walked away.

Sam stared. He couldn't just let her go like that. She'd come to him and all she'd given him were a lousy dozen words. With more bravery than he thought himself capable of, he jogged to catch up with her.

"Wanna get some ice cream?" Ugh, why ice cream? She looked perfect, she probably didn't touch sugar and looked like the fancy coffee type of girl. He should've asked her to get coffee. Even if he hated coffee.

"Sure," Christine said to his utter surprise, seeming excited by the thought of sugary carbs or whatever ice cream was made of. She changed direction and headed inside the park, Sam on her heels.

They walked in silence, Christine smiling, Sam trying to come up with something intelligent to say.

"Lovely weather we're having," she said conversationally.

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