Chapter 9.1 - New Recruits

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Chapter nine

New recruits

Kyle tossed and turned, but no matter how hard he tried to leave his mind blank and go to sleep, he couldn't. His bruise kept pulsating, reminding him of the day's events. That he'd almost died. And even if he believed that almost dying didn't change anything, it did put things into perspective. For everyone. For Sam who'd confessed his feelings for Christine, for Jimmy who'd thrown caution to the winds and hooked up with Alice.

The only one as immune as ever was Jerry. He'd somehow hoped his brother would start talking to him again, even if just to nag, but no such luck.

Unfortunately, it had put things into perspective for him, too. As soon as they got out of that jungle and sorted that agency crap out, he planned on making good on his threat. He was leaving Chicago, but not going back to Texas. He was still pissed at Max for lying to him to get him home.

No, he was going to finally track Kay down and find her. Because Jimmy was right. He was stupidly miserable when he hadn't done everything in his power to fix things. Sure, he had no idea where Kay was. Before he'd gotten to Chicago and managed to call, she'd disappeared. But he would find her again.

Over the past year, he'd tried to move on. Pathetic, halfass attempts. Because he didn't want to move on.

Finally giving up on trying to sleep, he left his sleeping bag and searched the side pocket of his rucksack. Jerry and Sam didn't even stir. Kyle pulled out a silver necklace with a heart-shaped stone amulet. It shone reddish in the low light coming from the camp fire. He'd found this three months ago and picked it up as if he was sure he'd see Kay again and give it to her.

I will see her again. He should kick himself for thinking it was hopeless for so long, for not trying harder. I broke through a wall. Finding a girl should be easy.

Kyle pulled out a head lamp and left the tent. Carlos sat beside the camp fire, his sombrero pulled over his face. He looked at Kyle from under the large brim, but didn't say a word, waiting to be engaged in conversation.

"How's it going?" Kyle whispered heading over to him.

"Where are you going, senor?" Carlos asked nodding toward the head lamp.

Kyle shrugged and sat cross legged in front of the guide. "To look around a bit. And stop calling me senor. It's a title I've done nothing to deserve."

Carlos smiled. "You should take weapon."

Kyle pulled out the pistol from the holder at the back of his belt. "Unlike most people around here, I actually carry a gun at all times." Another reason Jerry kept scowling at him. Kyle could almost hear him thinking how dangerous that was.

"Good." Carlos pulled his hat back over his face. "The jungle is dangerous at night."

"The jungle in dangerous all the time." He wasn't scared of animals and plants. He was more afraid of his own traitorous thoughts. "Carlos, you ever been married?"

"Si. Mi Alma and I have a daughter and two beautiful grandchildren."

Kyle frowned. Carlos didn't look old enough to have grandchildren, but who was he to judge. "Then why do you risk your life in the jungle?"

Carlos squinted at Kyle and reached out his hand. "Give me your hand, miho."

Kyle hesitated, but the guide's affectionate tone convinced him to play along. Carlos took his right hand and looked into his palm as though trying to read something there.

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