Chapter 6

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It's been two weeks since I've arrived here. Two weeks since Kyser and I have talked after that day in the garden he's been ignoring me no matter how hard I try to talk to him he just acts as if I'm not there or simply do not exist yet he watches me like a hawk.

I braid my previously washed hair I'm only doing it because I'm bored. Nolla has spent her whole time with Casper, not that I can blame her she's in love it's really sweet to see her so happy, I just wish we could talk and gossip like the days when we didn't have mates.
I miss my family more and more each day, I feel so alone here. Kyser won't let me hang out with Victor. Maybe I should talk to Loralye? I stand up and walk downstairs to where I see Loralye along with her mate Jake lounging on the couch. I sit next to her.

"Kyser still ain't talking to you?" She asks cuddling closer to Jake.

"No and he won't allow Victor and I to hangout" I grumble crossing my arms.

"Well you two are mates.." Jake laughs not looking away from the TV.

"So? I can't talk to other guys?" I ask making Jake turn his attention to me.

"Hell no. Once you have a mate you are off the market. You can't even think about being with someone else unless you want your mate to rip the persons head off" he answers.

"Kyser wouldn't care if I was interested in another a guy" I shrug eating some nearby popcorn.

"He doesn't recognise his feelings yet, give him time honey" Loralye assures me.

I roll my eyes and stand up only to meet the eyes of Kyser staring at me. I can't help but feel all tingly around him. Does he feel what I feel?

"I need to speak with my mate" He says calmly taking my hand.

He leads me upstairs and into a room that looks like an office with scattered papers, a lot of books and..cigars? Kyser sits in his chair behind his desk while I sit on the other side of the room on the leather couch. I can tell he's annoyed but I really don't care.

"Why have you been ignoring me?" I blurt out without thinking.

"So I don't get too attached" he answers walking over to crouch down in front of me.

I look into his soft grey eyes they look guarded, it's like he won't let anyone in not now not ever. He looks like he hasn't slept even though he's beside me every night by eleven o'clock.

"Isn't that the point? We're mates we'll have each other forever" I remind him,

"Not like that. To stay friends we need to have space" he replies quickly.

"Then give me my own room" I insist rolling my eyes.

"Why so you can invite Victor over for a slumber party?" He spits clearly mad.

"Victor and I are just friends" I huff.

"You may see it that way but to him you're an easy score" he replies.

"Shouldn't matter to you" I shrug.

Out of nowhere he starts to destroy his office. Busting up the trophy case, tearing books, and even through the desk inwhich resulted in a broken window. This is really scaring me.

"You. Are. Mine." He pants in my face. "You do what I say!"

"No! I do what I want!" I yell back.

I push him harshly away from me and run out the door being sure to slam it on my way out. I run into victor in the hall, he actually looks happy to see me.

"Hey. What was all that noise?" He asks looking me over for scratches.

"Kyser through a temper tantrum. I'm okay" I answer smiling sweetly.

"Wanna stay the night with me?" He ask.

"And make Kyser more mad? Hell no" I laugh.

"Oh come on. We won't do anything.. Unless you want to" he winks.

My face reddens in embarrassment. I'm not use to someone talking to me like that and it sure doesn't feel right in fact it makes Silvia growl in annoyance.

"Step. Away" I hear Kyser growl.

I turn around to meet Kyser's pitch black angry eyes, and his canines coming out. He's really pissed. I need to calm him down.

I gently place my hand on his arm making him calm immediately he meets my eyes, and looks to be zoned out. He snaps out of the trance quickly turning his attention to an amused Victor.

"Chill bro." Victor says calmly.

"Kyser..look at me" I say turning his head to meet my eyes. I stroke his cheek making him close his eyes.

"I'm.." He mumbles while I continue.

"Ooo lovebirds" Victor mocks.

Kyser snaps his eyes open, and pushes away from me straight to Victor. I luckily get in between the two.

"You seriously need to mark her dude. Or we won't know she's yours" Victor comments.

"I do what I want! You refer to me as Alpha nothing else" Kyser spits.

Victor mumbles a 'whatever' and walks away leaving my mate and I alone in the hallway. He's still upset so I keep my hand on his arm making him focus on me. He quickly yanks away from my grasp.

"Stay away from him" he whispers.

I nod and Kyser leaves me. Was he jealous? Maybe? No he is just saying those things because his wolf is protective. Maybe he knows somethings about Victor?

This is so stupid. Nolla is always busy with Casper. I don't know Loralye that well plus she's like Nolla totally infatuated with her mate and then there's Victor. He has no mate, he's easy to talk to, and he's always entertaining. Why shouldn't I hangout with him? If Kyser doesn't want me then I don't want him.

Even if he is handsome as hell and his scent is my addiction, I think I could get over him.

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