Chapter 21

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I love the song! Mind Over Matter- PVRIS

Guys! We reached 3k reads😱😱 and it's all thanks to you wonderful supporters/readers there is much more to come in this story I hope u stick around and leave me comments of what you think please! Thanks again!

My senses heightens as I smell the unknown scent near me I can tell whoever or whatever it is isn't from around here their scent is too light that you can barely smell it. I look around to see nothing until I get a strong scent of fruit and something musky it smells really bad in my opinion. I follow it down the stairs and into the bathroom where no on usually dares to enter because it is used for prisoners, but here lately we've been good no prisoners or trouble makers so no sounds are heard except for the rain drops hitting the blood stained floors. The smell is atrocious the mix of blood, guts and gore isn't a good scent especially to us werewolves and our heightened senses.

I keep following the scent to a small bared window in the last cage-like cell, I see nothing because of the poor lighting so I step in cautiously making sure to be very quiet. I am overwhelmed by the smell of blood, and dirt that stains the floor I almost lose the scent. All of a sudden the door behind me slams shut leaving just an echo I rush back to the door to find its locked. Was someone following me? I would've known though right? I was pretty distracted trying to keep up with the scent...

"Look who it is" I hear a gruff male voice laugh from somewhere in the dark cell.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I ask my voice strong and calm.

I can hear him moving closer and closer to me. My nose picking up his faint scent that still baffles me. Why is his scent so light? I myself can barely smell it and he's in the same room as I am.

"Let's just say...a friend sent me" he replies.

Of what I can see in the dim light he has a big scar on the left side of his face with messy hair,a patch of hair sits on his chin and his eyes just scream 'danger'. I can feel he's here for a reason and it isn't a friendly visit.

"Who sent you?" I ask backing away.

He smirks at me his eyes amused by my  actions I can't help it though he's intimidating. With his broad shoulders, and tall stature he has to atleast be in his mid-thirties.

"I've come to take you" he states moving closer and closer to me.

My back hits the cold brick wall I mentally cursing myself from being so stupid. How am I going to get out of this situation?

"I'm not going anywhere-" I start but am cut off by his cold hand around my throat.

I am now unable to breathe but I'm still kicking and clawing at his hands in an attempt to lossen his grip. He looks angry, but that sinister smile says otherwise he likes this, he like hurting people. I am now face to face with him I still don't know who he is I just know he isn't any good I need to find Kyser.

"You will do as I say or I'll kill your mate then you'll die a slow painful death" he spits smiling like the psycho he is.

I whimper at the thought of Kyser dying I can't imagine a world without Kyser he's everything to me. I nod my head showing I understand and he lets me go slowly I finally get my breathing back to normal that's when everything goes black

||||Time Skip|||

I blink open my eyes and Ivan already feel the dulling headache taking over my head. I can taste blood, although I don't remember bleeding. Then I realise I'm in an old dirty room lying on the cold hard stone ground that is covered in only god knows what. Bones lay around the room along with dead bodies, a small barred window is the only light source and my hands are locked to chains that connect with the floor making me feel like a trapped animal. I'm cold...I look down to see I'm only wearing my undergarments making me shutter at the fact someone did this to me.

The only thing running through my mind is Kyser. I want him safe. I want him. him. We can't live without each other it's not right I need to get out.

Mine | A Werewolf Novel {Completed}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora