25: Dancing with the Darts

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Believe it people. Another chapter dedicated to Ahaheartbahbay: Co-winner of my contest, and giver of one hundred comments in my last chapter. Girl is freaking awesome sauce. 

Also of note: This is only half of the chapter I wrote. Verbosity strikes again. So I cut it into two, but the next chapter will blow your minds. Okay, maybe your minds will stay intact, but it will probably be the best chapter yet. I'll post on Wednesday.

Aaaaand. I'm going to start another story. This one will be called "Sort of Pyro"...I think. Please check it out, and let me know what you think. I'm not sure I'll continue writing it. Just depends on the response it gets. Okay...on to the chapter.

The din of an entire arena filled with teenage fan girls unable to contain their screams of joy, came blasting through the door on a warm wind.

I turned toward Marv and gave him a venomous smile that belied my thunderous heart beat.

“Go ahead and shoot me, Marv.”

And then I sprinted through the door, nearly plowing Justin over in my flight. Canuck Boy froze at the crack, crack, crack of gunshots echoing through the cement tunnel we were now in. I could barely hear them over the crowd, but the divots exploding from the cement wall to my right removed any doubts I might have had that the jerk cousin had any qualms with shooting at a helpless, sixteen year old girl.

I reached back and grabbed the singer by his arm and pushed him ahead of me zigzagging through the tunnel until we made it up the steps and onto the stage, without any new holes in us.  

Chapter 25: Dancing with the Darts

At any moment I expected to feel the burning stab of a bullet entering my carefully moisturized, and exfoliated flesh. Or would it be more of a thousand pound punch? I’d heard gunshot wounds described both ways.

Don’t get shot. That was the only thought in my mind. Get away from the gunman, and don’t get shot.

Once we’d reached the stage, five seconds passed without any gunfire. I couldn’t quite believe he had stopped. Either he was just changing his clip, or he didn’t want to assassinate the Biebster in front of his rabid fans.

I pulled the star to center stage, where there was almost no chance that Marv could place a shot from his position in that tunnel.  

He wasn’t shooting to kill though. They were all lower body shots, hitting the wall only as high as my hips. He just wanted to incapacitate. Shooting my leg off, that’s how far he was willing to go to capture me. The Boss wanted me bad, really bad. And my getting damaged along the way was apparently a non issue.

But now that I was standing on a humungous stage, with flashing blue, and red, laser beam looking lights freezing me in place, the shock of what I’d just been through began to catch up with me. The person next to me now had his hands on his knees, doing a good job of hyperventilating, and I might have joined him if nineteen thousand pairs of eyes weren’t directed at us right then.

The bass of one of the Bieb’s songs reverberated through my bones, and the host of fans were clamoring for a look, a wave, or a proposal from their teen idol from every corner of the arena.

The most prudent thing to do would be to hide from the bad guys, I thought, bringing my mind back to my less than desirable situation. Currently I was standing in the most visible place in the stadium. Front and center. There was no doubt in my mind that the tunnel was now filling with the so called security guards so I couldn’t go back that way, even if I wanted to brave the bullet slinger. And I could see bouncer looking dudes, large black blobs pushing through the floor crowd toward the stage.

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