30: Slap Happy Fugitive

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A/N: This one is dedicated to one DuckyOnThePond because this little Canuckian is one of my new favorite people. Her comments are hilarious and her knowledge of the Potterverse is commendable. Thanks for all your comments and votes and just being an enjoyable person. As soon as I get caught up on my reading I'm going to head over and read her stuff, because anybody who can make HP references at will must be a fabulous writer.

Also of note: There are only like, two more chapters of this book. *wipes away tear* but the story continues in "A Little Bit Pyro". I'm pacing those uploads with Ninja's so that when I finish Ninja you'll be able to pick up exactly where this book leaves off. K? Thanks for reading peeps!

Okay, one more note: A big fat kindly thank you to everybody who has fanned and voted and commented. Seriously. It just makes my day, and makes me want to write more, faster, and with better quality. Big hugs all around! *gives you hugs in a non-creeper way*

Last thing, I swear: That super cute cover you see on the sidebar is from xxsingle2minglexx. I LOVE it. Thanks so much ♥

I wasn’t very confident that I could get the match close enough to the fire alarm for it to consider the half inch flame a threat. I might have to haul one of the arm chairs over here to stand on if it doesn’t work right away.

                Once Anton nodded to me, I struck the match. Everything after that happened so fast that I have a hard time piecing it together. Because when I lit that match, something went very, very wrong.

The air around us exploded into blue fire, throwing us to the ground. A piercing siren shrieked through the building adding to the chaos of the flaming walls and furnishings.

I definitely didn’t need to bother rearranging the furniture to get closer to the alarm.

Chapter 30: Slap Happy Fugitive

I flattened my body to the ground protecting my head with both hands. The fire licked at my skin for what felt like ages, scalding my arms the most. But it must have been only seconds, because when I finally looked up the debris from the explosion hadn’t finished falling to the floor yet.

The fire alarm registered the undeniable presence of its nemesis, and immediately began to sound.

Once the fire retreated to the walls and some of the lacquered wood pieces I searched the room for Ant, and Abe. I didn’t even pause to take stock of the damage to my new CJ charcoal leggings, and Eileen Fisher boat neck tee.

Only Ant’s feet were visible, lying still on the other side of the bed. I tried to take deep breaths to keep my heart from punching holes through my rib cage, but I was inhaling dust, and smoke. I coughed, as I crawled, carefully picking my way across the floor. 

 “Abe? Anton? You guys okay?” I asked in a voice that sounded too scared to be my own.

No response.

“Guys? You alright?”


The distance felt like doing the mile, except as a sloth instead of a cheetah. Every breath burned my windpipe and lungs. As I scrambled closer my eyes never left the pair of legs lying so still on the floor. I willed them to move, or twitch, or show some sign that their owner was alive. But as I neared them and they still hadn’t even twitched, my heart rate steadily increased. My mind raced, trying to prepare me for the grisly scene that might be waiting around the corner.

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