Chapter 21: Another Trap

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Later on that day, I felt much better.

I decided to walk around the village.

As I was walking, I noticed people were starring at me...frightened.

Ignoring it, I kept walking.

Thinking back on what happened yesterday, my mind was going in circles.


The visions kept replaying and replaying in my head.

It was the same over and over.

Me seeing James crying, Devin in a pile of blood, and me screaming.

It just won't stop.

I could feel my power getting stronger and stronger every time it replays.

I feel like I want to destroy everything, I feel....


That feeling...I can still feel it inside.

As I continued to walk I saw a little girl sitting in the corner of a building.

I went towards her.

"Are you okay?"

She just looked at me with no expression at all.

I decided to just leave her alone.

Continuing to walk, I felt a presence behind me.

"Someone's following me" I whispered.

I quickly turned around, and spotted the girl following me but keeping her distance.

I walked up to her, and she stood there looking away from me.

I bent down in front of her.

"Why are you following me?"

She still didn't say anything.

"You know if you need help, you can just ask me"

She nodded.

"Okay then, can you tell me whats wrong?"

She still said nothing.

"Are you lost?"

She shook her head no.

"Did you loose something?"

She nodded her head.

"Okay, was it a toy?"

She looked at me confused.

I Guess they don't play with toys here.

I was trying to think of what she could have really lost.

She then tapped me and pointed at some people.

"What?...Are those your parents?"

She shook her head no.

"Wait...Did you lose your parents?"

She nodded her head.

"Oh okay. Well I'm going to help you find them okay"

She nodded her head.

I grabbed her hand, and we started walking.

While we were walking, I stopped and asked a lady has she seen her parents or know what they look like.

She nodded her head and said "Ive seen them around somewhere, but no I'm sorry I don't know where they could have gone"

I nodded and said "Okay thanks"

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