Chapter- 7 Sweet surprise!?

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Alkira's pov-

Whenever I meet James, my mood pointer automatically shifts toward the delight phase. Despite the sour news, I was happy. I was light on my feet, trying to avoid the creaky steps as I made my way to my room. Sometimes, especially like this one, having a room on the third floor sucked, but I would never trade it with Ana. The view makes up for the trouble of going through the stairs.

'They are werewolves with powerful senses, so this will not work.'

This sudden remark from my wolf got me sidetracked, and my next step landed with a loud thud that echoed in the otherwise silent night.

'You are acting like a teenager who sneaked out to meet her crush and is tiptoeing back into the house to avoid being caught.' My wolf said, mocking my child-like antics.

I knew I was being stupid, but I could not let her get the best of me.

'I am only looking out for them. They need to have a proper sleep; otherwise, they will be lethargic the whole day.' I pouted at my silly excuse, and my wolf howled in triumph.

'You are acting like a child. No one can say you are the Alpha of a successful pack.'

'Nobody said that an Alpha could not have fun. Moreover, I am young at heart, and you are a thousand-year-old soul, Granny Wolfy.'

I mocked and stuck out my tongue but quickly withdrew it when I realized I was standing outside my door. If anyone saw me like that, they would think their Alpha needed to be admitted to a psych ward.

'Keep up with your silly acts, and people will think that their alpha has gone crazy and will stop taking you seriously. Besides, I am not a thousand-year-old. I am only eight hundred and ninety-nine. I am still young!'

'Sure, whatever helps you hunt at night, dear granny.'

When I did not hear another comeback, I smiled smugly and did a happy dance.

Kira=1 granny=0

I turned the knob and quietly opened the door. I stepped inside and locked it. Releasing a breath of relief, I rested my back against the door. My eyes were closed, and I was still wearing a goofy smile as an after-effect of the teasing banter with my wolf. So, when I opened my eyes and saw Ana sitting on my bed with a questioning gaze, I almost screamed at her unexpected appearance.

I willed my heart to slow down its erratic thumping. After a few minutes, when I was sure I was not going to die from a heart attack, I spoke in a hushed whisper.

"Ana! You scared the devil out of me. What are you doing here? I thought you were helping with the baby?"

"I came to congratulate you on today's successful training and give you a piece of my mind about your strategies. I wanted to shout at you for putting yourself in a dangerous situation like today, regardless of it being fake. You can find some other ways to train our warriors, which do not include fake kidnapping or fake death, or fake hurting yourself in any way. But you were not here. So I decided to wait for you." She said without raising her voice in a monotonous tone.

It was strange. She was acting out of character. Something is not right. I can feel it.

"Okay. I will try to tone it down next time." I said, whining.

"Where were you?"

"Oh, just doing a regular routine- checking our boundaries, patrolling. You know the drill." I did not lie. I just opted out of a small part.

"Okay. Good night then. See you at the breakfast table."

"Good night," I chirped and went in for a hug. But she stepped aside and went out the door.

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