Chapter- 31 Dread

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Alkira's pov-

We were staring at each other as if in a trance. Then I remembered how I woke up. I narrowed my eyes and opened my mouth to speak. But instead of words swoosh of air left my mouth as I coughed and coughed and coughed.

My coughing fit broke him out of his gaze and he jumped to fetch me a glass of water from the pitcher that was on the other side of the room.

Why does someone put water on the other side of a patient's room? What were they thinking? If someone has to drink water most probably a patient, then they have to climb down the bed and move across the room to get it. It does not make any sense to me.

He gave me the glass and I took a small sip.

I had been in this position more than I could remember so I knew better to take huge gulps.

I don't want to choke. I just got him and I want a long life with him granted if he accepts me.

As soon as the coolness of water hit my parched throat I felt better. After more of my little sips, I waited for a few seconds to gather my thoughts.

I was still debating what should i go for either scolding him for suspecting me and hurting my wrist or thanking him to accept me as who I am.

He saved me from my dilemma by asking if he should ask for the doctor or wait for a while.

I wanted to talk to him so, I settled for option two.

We were silent again and I was itching to ask him so many things but he beat me to it.

'How are you feeling?' His voice was small and uncertain. A few minutes back when I was unconscious he was talking very fine but I am awake he hesitates.

'I feel okay.' I managed to say these words quite well and gave him a small smile.

He relaxed a bit and returned my smile.

'What do you remember of our fight with the rogues?' He asked in a velvety soft voice.

I know what he actually wants to know. He is nervous if I remembered marking him or not.

Should I tease him?

He was looking at me and I saw beads of sweat forming above his brows.

'Put him out of misery already Kira! '

'You are back.'


'Fine, but you are a spoilsport.'

'I remember everything.' My voice was low and laden with hidden anxiety. I was waiting for his next question.

'So, why did you mark me?'

What should I tell him?

Will he believe me if I tell him the truth about us being mates for seven births?

'Should I tell him, Kira?'

'Go ahead girl. Sooner or later you have to tell him. So why not rip the bandage now? And his wolf too will tell him. So don't worry.'

I swallowed the building anxiousness and opened my mouth to tell him the truth.

For the next hour, I told him what Evaline had told me.

He listened to me with rapt attention. Never once he interrupted me. I only saw his eyebrows move up and down and a little twitch of his lips here and there.

After I was done I patiently waited for him to ask me anything he wanted.

This silence was killing me. So I plucked up the courage and asked him instead.

'I know it is a lot to take in but tell me do you believe me?'

I waited and waited and waited. After what was like an eternity, finally he spoke.

'Yes. I do believe you because my wolf is still not talking to me. I know he is here but he is not communicating with me.'

He stopped and took a deep breath before continuing.

'When you marked me you didn't know about any of this right?'

I nodded.

'So what made you mark me?' He was asking me for reason, his face devoid of any emotion.

He didn't want me to know what he was actually thinking.

But I knew why he was asking that. He thought that I am after his power.

I remember his words. This dampened my mood a little. But I can't blame him for that. He is being honest and straightforward about it. I should feel thankful that after this we can put it behind us and work on our relationship if he chooses to. I was hoping that he would say yes. He being a bit cautious about it is natural regarding his past.

He has met many girls who threw themselves at him for his power. And his mate left him for power.

So Of course he was going to be guarded.

My mind reasoned but still, my heart was a little fragile thing and this hurt it deeply.

I took in a deep breath and tried my best to school my wavering emotions.

'You were able to kill the rogue but not before he plunged a silver knife near your heart.'

I was mentally reliving this scene; a feeling of dread gripped me as I continued.

'I tried to stop the bleeding and when my nose caught a whiff of your blood my mind went into a frenzy. I had this sudden urge to bite you that I lost control over my senses. One minute I was trying to stop the bleeding and the next minute I had bit you.'

I paused and looked into his eyes before uttering the next words. I wanted to see his expression.

'You were dying. The silver knife being logged near your heart was spreading the poison very fast.'

His pupils dilated and he inhaled sharply.

'I didn't get it then but now I do. I think somehow my subconscious mind knew that biting you will transfer some of my healing power. My instinct took over and I bit you.'

Gathering all of my courage I asked the most dreading question.

'So there it is everything in sight. Now tell me one thing.' He nodded and I continued.

'Do you accept me as your mate?'

My Mate's BetrayalDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora