Chapter 9 - Happily Ever After.. Or ?!

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Katherine POV

"I am pregnant !" Finally i managed to say these two words.
Oh god , why it is that hard !

For some reason, the ground was so interesting for me to look at , i was just avoiding looking at chase , or maybe afraid of his reaction.

I took a deep breath to encourage myself then looked up , and he was smiling .

What the fudge ! He is smiling , actually smiling !

"Really ?" His voice was so low but i managed to hear him.

I nodded my head, still a bit afraid.
I didn't know how or what  happened but  i was spinning in the air !!
Chase managed to hold me and then spin me in the air.

Then he putted me down "I'm going to be a father ! " he said it in a low voice but then started screaming it out loud ! Oh my god , this man is crazy .

"Chase ! Oh my god , stop shouting " i tried to silent him but with no use.

"Why i should stop ? I want the whole world to know that i'm marrying the woman i love and we're having a child " his expression was priceless , he was happy , really happy !

I don't know why i was afraid of his reaction ! I should've known that he is more mature now and ready for such responsibilities.

"This is the best day in my life , nothing can ruin the happiness i'm having now ! " Chase said and the feeling was mutual.

"I still cant believe this , we're getting married , we'll have a beautiful girl , we will make a perfect family !" Chase said while rubbing my belly . Oh this man !
I cant describe how much i love him , i cant imagine my life anymore without him.. But wait ! Beautiful girl ! Who said i'm having a girl !

"Girl ! What the heck? Who said i'm having a girl , it is too early to know the gender of the baby ! " i said confused .

"Off Course the baby is a girl !" He said in a-matter-of-fact tone .
"I want a girl ! She will be beautiful like her mother , she'll have your hair , your sweet nose , your soft lips , your smile that will melt every guys heart so i can beat the crap out of that guy !" He said making me chuckle.
"And your eyes ,She will have those beautiful eyes " he said looking deeply in my eyes "that every time i look at them i fall deeper and deeper.."

And  me being me , i started crying again .

Oh god ,Since when i became this hopeless romantic drama queen ? It is pregnancy hormones for sure .

"Shush, stop crying pumpkin !" He said wiping the  tears away.

"I cant help it !" I start crying even more.

"I'm afraid ! Afraid that i'll lose all this , afraid to lose this happiness , afraid to lose you !" I didn't know from where this came from !

I think it is my subconscious talking now not me ...

Damn pregnancy hormones..

"Don't be afraid babe...
Katherine look at me , i'm here and i'll always be here beside you, you'll never going to lose me , you're stuck with me for the rest of your life pumpkin !" He said trying to lighten the mood.

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