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Jax lay on the couch with the kitten curled up on his chest. He was watching reruns of Firefly and absently petting her. He had kind of gotten used to her.

She was still a mystery. She only appeared late at night and always vanished in the early morning. It was completely unnatural, and that was saying something since he was a werewolf. She would just fade away- one second there; the next she was gone.

They had been watching the woman's house, who was named Elizabeth based on her mail. She lived a boring life. He had young wolves following her, but there was nothing of interest to report. Her only friends appeared to be the residents of the care facility. She had no visitors and rarely left her house, except to go grocery shopping or sometimes to a bakery.

"Luke, tell me you have something new to report."

"Nope. Today she went to work, got teased by 70 year old man named Jack, and came home. There are no strange smells on her, around her house, or inside as far as we can tell. We still haven't been inside her house, but I'm telling you she's not a shifter."

"Hmmm, maybe she's hiding something in her house. It's time to try something new."

The kitten growled softly in her sleep and kicked a stubby leg, drawing their attention. She had been dubbed Kilala (key la la) from the anime, Inuyasha. The pack brothers had definitely teased him about his "adoption" of the cat, but the ladies of the pack thought she was adorable. Or at least they did once they were relatively certain Kilala wasn't a shifter woman encroaching on their alpha.

"Dude, I think she's getting bigger," Jason said from the recliner. He was munching on Doritos and gummy bears while drinking scotch.

"She is definitely getting fatter, look at that little belly," Luke said while poking her. "You should stop feeding her cookies, Jason."

"Hey now, she just fell asleep," Jax grumbled. "Wait, you've been feeding her junk food? Knock it off!"

It had been a month since he'd brought her in and they'd settled into a routine. She was frisky when she first appeared, scratching and hissing at imaginary prey. Then, she would knead his chest and purr while marking him with her scent. After an hour or so, she would fall asleep and drool on him. Why was he allowing her in his house again?

"Better watch what you say about Kilala, Luke. He's been getting pretty defensive of her. Just yesterday, he put James in a headlock because he found out James had locked Kilala out of the house."

Kilala opened an eye and mewed quietly before swatting Jax's chin, followed by a few licks.

"She was crying like a damn baby! It was too cold outside. She didn't stop shaking for an hour. Plus you were threatening to rip his head off," Jax defended while soothing her back to sleep. She sighed and snuggled against his neck and closed her eyes.

"Dude, you're whipped," Luke laughed.

"Shut the hell up," Jax growled. He shifted his weight on the couch, careful not to disrupt Kilala. She was a bear when she was tired. He was not whipped.


She snuggled her pillow and breathed deep, frowning when she didn't smell cookies. She opened her eyes and squinted. What was it with her and cookies lately? She woke up every day for the last month wanting cinnamon cookies.

She yawned and got out of bed, ready for her day. She showered and got dressed in an oversized Star Trek shirt that fell down past her thighs. She had ordered it from Amazon, thinking it was a juniors size xl- instead it was a mans xxl, oh well live and learn. It was super comfy. She didn't bother with pants or shoes- she was staying home today.

She walked outside, still brushing her teeth with one hand, and picked up her newspaper. She froze when she saw a big dog on her lawn. It was lying on its back with its tongue hanging out. It looked like the same one she saw from her window a month ago.

"Hey there big puppy. What are you doing here?"

She knelt slowly and stared as he (yes, she checked) twisted his back and thrust one leg in the air. She giggled at his antics and crooned to him, "Oh yes, you're a super star! Yes, you are!"

She stood up and turned to go back inside, but froze when he was suddenly in front of her. He came up to her waist when she was standing. He was very big, with light brown, fluffy fur that looked soft to the touch. He had big soulful eyes that he turned on her. She was torn whether she should run away screaming or snuggle up next to him like a giant teddy bear.

"What are you doing super star? I need to go inside- The list of clothes that I am NOT wearing is longer than the list of what I am wearing. Have some mercy!"

She could have sworn the dog huffed a laugh at her. Great the neighborhood dogs were mocking her now.

"Look here mister! I need to go inside. You need to move. NOW!"  The dog just cocked his head and sat down- effectively conveying his refusal.

She tried to side step him, but he sprawled out at the last instant and she tripped on his leg.

"Oommph," she said into fur and hard cement as she fell on her face. "Damn dog - what the bloody, flipping hell?" She cussed him out and pointed a finger at his adorable face. She pushed herself up and continued to cuss him out when he still refused to move.

She felt him sniffing the back of her leg and she slapped his nose. "Quit it! Move out of my way you, dumb dog." This time the dog huffed in a not so happy way. He showed his teeth and made a tiny biting motion.

She scampered away and stared at the dog. He still blocked her door. She couldn't stay outside like this forever- she only had on an oversized shirt and a pair of Wonder Woman panties for goodness sake!

Okay, he didn't like being slapped on his nose, got it. He had seemed okay when she'd been crooning at him, maybe she should try that again. He definitely didn't respond to orders.

"It's okay, super star. I won't slap you again. I'm very, very sorry. I was just a mean woman, yes I was! But now I'm talking to you like a baby and I'm sounding like an idiot- so you can trust me not to hurt you. Yes, you can! So why don't you move your cute little body away from my door. Pretty, pretty please?"

The dog stopped baring his teeth and flipped back over with one foot in the air. Good grief, the dog was a diva.

She finally got into her house, after lots of begging, bargaining and out right bribery. The dog, whom she named Koga, was lying on her couch eating a steak on her good China. She had tried to weasel out of her promises- he was just a dog after all - but he was smarter than he appeared.

{10 minutes ago}

"Here, puppy just what I promised! Steak on China!" She held out plastic Tupperware dish with a cold hotdog. Koga glared at the dish and growled low.

"Okay, okay I shouldn't have lied about it. The truth is I don't have any steak." The words were just barely out of her mouth when Koga sniffed and went to the open fridge to nose a package of steak. Well, shoot.

"Oh, that's where it went. Silly me! You know steak isn't good for dogs, right? You could get mange or worms or spontaneous neutering."

Koga huffed and corralled her back to the fridge, nosing the steaks again.  This continued for a few minutes until he lifted his back leg and met her eyes meaningfully. Message received. She pulled out her good China and plopped on a giant steak. Spoiled ass dog!

The kitten claims her mate (complete)Where stories live. Discover now