Secrets revealed

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Jax was sick and tired of being a damned dog. Sure, he loved his wolf form. This had nothing to do with that. He was tired of being a domesticated house pet. He was also fed up with not being able to just talk to Betty. He had so many questions for her, but all he could do was little doggy antics. It was infuriating.

He was pacing in his library, debating what his next plan of action would be. He couldn't be Betty's dog forever- they needed a solution. James was standing next to Luke, near the door. Jason was sprawled out on his chair. They'd been tossing ideas around for a while, but had yet to agree on anything.

"I say we cut Kilala off. She's not pack and the longer the alpha is distracted by her, the more risk we face," James said- repeating the same old arguments.

Jax knew that Jason was speaking strictly as the enforcer. It was his job to look out for the safety of the pack. Pack lives would always rate higher to Jason than any other life, despite his personal feelings.

Jason started to make the same defense he'd been making, but Jax cut him off with a wave of his hand. "We can't keep going around in circles. We need a new idea. I can't keep being a damn dog. James doesn't trust Kilala or Betty. I'm not ready to give up yet. Jason refuses to give up no matter what and Luke just wants everyone to be happy and safe."

Luke opened his mouth to say something, but again Jax interrupted. "Yes, yes I know. You think I should suck it up and stick with the pet dog plan." He ran his hands through his hair and said, "You guys don't understand. She prances around in her underwear, she kicks me in her sleep, she feeds me doggy treats, and I have to act dumb. It's inhumane."

Jason laughed over his brother's suffering, but didn't say anything. They stayed quiet, brooding over the problem. Despite James' misgivings, he was outvoted. They would keep watching over Kilala, who had grown larger in the time they'd been watching her.

They still needed to discover exactly what Betty was. They also had to find a way to integrate her and her kitten into their pack. They couldn't reveal what they were without knowing for sure they could trust her. Also, they couldn't guarantee what Betty would do if they revealed their true nature to her. What if she ran away?

At some point his mild curiosity and amusement at a cute kitten had evolved into a deep attachment. Jax wasn't willing to let Betty or Kilala go just yet. His cell phone chimed and he cursed when he read the text. Time to play dog again.


He scratched on her door and woofed for Betty. She opened the door with a smile that lit up her face. Had he ever thought she was plain? She was beautiful.

"Who's a good doggy? You're a good doggy!" She cooed.

Beautiful, but annoying. He sighed and wagged his tail, letting his tongue loll out. She was wearing a pink top and a pair of pajama pants with elephants stomping on peanuts. Where did she buy her stuff? He wanted to burn all of her god awful clothes.

He trotted after her like a good doggy and curled up to watch Netflix with her. Today she watched Bob's Burgers. She was running her hands through his fur absently, her hands spreading pleasurable bolts of energy in him. He didn't think she was aware of what she was doing. It felt like something was energizing his soul. He'd noticed it happening whenever she pet him, starting three days ago.

There were other little things he'd noticed. Whatever was happening to her, it was out of her control. She wasn't even aware of it yet. He'd noticed that her body was becoming more toned without her changing her normal routines. He grinned a big wolf smile when he thought of her body, which he'd seen a lot of. Betty really disliked wearing clothes.

He'd also noticed her moving slightly faster than a human normally would. She didn't do it all the time.  Only when she was in a hurry, usually when she was running late for work.

Betty changed from Bob's Burgers to Sharknado. Jax growled and jumped off the couch. No freaking way, he hated this movie. It made no sense and the acting was criminal. He nudged her leg with his nose, trying to get her to come to bed. The sooner she fell asleep the sooner he could relax and be himself.

She absently petted his head and said, "Not now, superstar. I want to watch this." This was what he hated about being a damn pet. She was dismissing him!

He jumped up, putting his two front paws on her shoulders and licked her face obnoxiously. He laughed inside when she squealed and shouted for him to stop. He kept pestering her until finally she gave up and came to bed.

That night Kilala popped out from the sparkles like normal. Instead of running to him right away, like she normally did, she froze and looked around. Jax woofed at her and cocked his head. Something was different about her. She looked aware.

He watched as Kilala scanned her surroundings, obviously noting that it was her bedroom. Then, she lifted up a paw and moved it in front of her face. She reared back in surprise and fell backwards. She lay on her back with her eyes closed. Her little head was shaking back and forth in denial.

He walked towards her and gently nudged her with his nose. She turned on her side and looked at him, her blue eyes looking overwhelmed. He rested his head on her and heard her heart racing out of fright. He wanted to scoop her up in his arms and snuggle her until she felt better, but didn't want to frighten her more.

He stayed next to her, warming her up and comforting her. She slowly started relaxing and finally her heart rate slowed. She stood up and meowed. She looked shocked and opened her mouth again. "Meooooiwww," she shook her head and tried again, resulting in a larger meow. Little Betty was learning she couldn't talk in her cat form.

Poor thing, this was all a giant shock to her. He didn't think she could handle much more.

The door slammed and Jason yelled, "Jax! We have a situation!" In came Jason and two werewolves. Shit.

Kilala stared at him, obviously catching that they had called him Jax. He didn't have time for this, it had to be an emergency for them to bust in here. He shifted quickly, spared a glance to her and whispered, "This is all just a dream, sweetheart, go back to sleep."

Yeah, not that original. Damn it all to hell things just got complicated.

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