Someday: Prologue

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A Life is Nothing More Than a Trail of Boring Days

WAKE UP, FIX MY messy bed, take a bath with cold water, wear the same clothes, eat unhealthy food, brush teeth to extreme whiteness, go to school, mingle with senseless people, go through unbearable subjects, go home, sleep through sleepless nights. This was my normal everyday routine. It was dull, boring, and mechanical. I’ve always wondered if this would change. If something interesting will happen. I always hoped something interesting will happen. A falling meteor that would destroy half of town, an alien invasion, or even the Apocalypse. Anything, just to relieve me of this monotonous life I lead.

“Urgh,” I groaned as I reached over to turn off the alarm clock that sounded like a hundred sirens in the early hours of dawn. The golden sun hasn’t come out to expel the surrounding darkness yet. I figured it would take an hour more or so for the sun to show its shining face, so I decided to eat breakfast and take a bath first.

I went to the kitchen to heat up water for the instant noodles that I was going to eat. After placing the water-filled saucepan over the stove’s flame, I walked over to the cupboard and opened it. I randomly got two instant noodles and placed them on the table near me. After getting the noodles, I then walked into the bathroom to take a bath.

The water was, surprise! Cold. As usual. Well, I don’t really care. I’m used to this already.

“I should stop expecting things to change,” I told myself as I let the water wet my entire being. I shampooed my hair, I soaped my body, and then I washed everything away. “I should really tell the landlady to install water heaters.”

Wearing only a towel over my nether region, I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. I turned off the now-boiling water and poured the water into the two instant noodles that were waiting on the table. After throwing away the remaining water and returning the saucepan where it should be, I waited for a couple of minutes before eating the food that was set in front of me. I took my time eating the noodles since there was still thirty minutes before sunrise. After eating, I went back to my bedroom to wear the uniform that I had prepared the night before.

“Ah, ten more minutes before it all starts,” I reminded myself as I tightened my belt. Ten more minutes before my sanctuary comes. After deciding to wait out the ten minutes at the roof, I went to the porch, climbed the railing, held on to the roof, and hoisted myself up. I then proceeded to walk towards the top of the slanted roof, and then I lay down, my head resting on my hands that were behind it.

I looked up at the sky and marvelled at the stars that were trying to outshine each other, twinkling and blinking like small little lights. I also looked at the moon that was about to vanish from this cruel world like it was just a memory that was about to be forgotten. The lights that dominated the early morning sky were beautiful.

I tried to locate the constellations that I knew. After a while of trying to locate the constellations, I gave up. I could only locate a few of them. Well, whatever, my sanctuary is here.

As if it was teasing me, the sun slowly rose from beyond the horizon. It shone its golden rays at the surrounding darkness, expelling each and every dark shadow that was hiding in the corners of this rotten world. Since it wasn’t strong yet, I looked directly at the sun and watched it as it bathed me in its glorious light.

I stayed at the roof for a while, watching the whole sun rise process. I half wished that a giant snake would swallow the sun and cause our classes to be suspended, but I knew it was impossible. So, as the sun rose completely, I went back inside the room that I rented.

The room I lived in wasn’t exactly big. It had an area of six square meters on each side. A two by three meter space was the kitchen, five by two was the bathroom and comfort room, one by six was the porch, two by one was a short hallway, and three by four was the bedroom. I lived here all by myself.

A person may ask, ‘Who would let their own child live alone at such a young age?’ Well, I wouldn’t blame my parents for letting me live alone. It’s not their fault they died when I was seven years old, right?

My parents raised me up properly for seven years. But these past eight years, I have messed up my life. I still try to live my life properly, but daily events cause me to do otherwise.

My name is Torph Yeako. I am fifteen years old. And I’m about to hate this world one more time.

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