Someday: Chapter 3

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A Life is Nothing More Than a Classroom Full of Rumours

I WOKE UP TO the sound of my alarm clock ringing at its set time. As I turned it off, I got up and went straight to the kitchen to prepare the rest of the chickens that was to become lunch. I prepared the chicken the same way I did yesterday since I was still too sleepy to make anything new. I brought out three lunchboxes from the cupboard and properly arranged the food in them. After I finished preparing our lunch, I continued my daily routine of heating water for my noodles, taking a bath, eating my noodles, and watching the sunrise.

As I got down from the roof, I noticed that something was wrong. I looked around and tried to see what was wrong, and then the answer came. The answer came, not as a word, but a small box house. The box house itself had no problem. It was what was inside that was the problem. There was nothing inside.

Aika and Hana were walking together towards Torph’s house. Earlier today, both had seen the other going out of their house. When each had asked the other where they were going, both of them said that they were on their way to Torph’s house to escort him to school. Thus, they were brought to this situation, walking together, loathing each other.

“I asked Torph to make lunch for me first,” Aika complained.

“You had your sweet time with him yesterday!” Hana protested.

Each knows of the other’s feelings for Torph, as a result, each was trying to win him over.

As they neared Torph’s place, they heard a scream that could only be described as ‘a shout that pierced the heavens.’

Looking at each other, they ran towards the stairs that led towards Torphe’s room.

Upon opening the door, what met them were the words, “BIIIRD! WHERE ARE YOU?!”

Noticing the two girls at the door, I ran to them and said on the verge of crying, “My bird’s gone!”

Aika, understanding that by ‘bird,’ I meant the white swallow I saved yesterday, said, “We’ll help you find it.”

Hana, who misunderstood what ‘bird’ meant, on the other hand, blushed and said in a soft voice, “I-if I can find it, c-can I keep your b-b-b-bir-bird?”

“What?” I asked as I turned to her. “Of course not.”

Understanding what Hana meant, Aika brought her hands to her stomach as she bent over and laughed uncontrollably. “The avian kind, Hana.”

Confused, I looked back and forth between the two and said, “Either way, the bird’s missing. Please help me.”

After two hours of searching, Aika said, “If we don’t leave now, we might be late.”

“Yeah, we should go,” Hana agreed as she stood up.

Tearfully, I got up and went into the kitchen, thinking hard as to where the bird might have hidden.

Getting the three lunchboxes that were on the table, I said, “Yeah, I guess. Let’s go.”

Hana and Aika nodded as they walked towards the door. After wearing their shoes, they walked out of the door and down the stairs.

“Hey, have you heard?”

“About the class rep and the outcast?”

“Yeah, yeah! Aika was seen going out of Yeako’s house!”

“Are they dating or something?”

“What does Aika see in that guy?”

“Exactly! There’s nothing special about him.”

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