Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Liam blinked several times, attempting to process the demand just tossed his way.

The dance?

Emma's eyes kept wavering as she struggled to hold his gaze. Her cheeks were red and she was abusing her full bottom lip with her teeth.

Liam had to admit she painted a damn cute picture as she sat there letting him know what she wanted. He was happy that she felt comfortable enough with him to do so. But......

The dance?

Liam had just opened up to her and poured his heart out more than he ever had before and she was worried about a dance?

"I don't go to social dances," Liam grumbled. He'd been to three of them in his life and he hated each of them.

Women batting their lashes, fawning over the bachelors like lovesick mares in heat hoping to snatch a husband. Men boasting and bragging. Gossips waggling their tongues. Crowds. Noise..... No. Liam hated social dances.

"Oh..." Emma's face fell. "If course. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blurted it out like that."

"Don't," Liam scolded gently. "Don't make apologies and excuses for asking for something."

"Okay..." Emma mumbled, lowering her gaze.

Liam sighed. "I hate those dances, Emma. I don't like being around a lot of people."

"Okay," Emma repeated, her voice stronger. "Really, Liam. It's okay."

Liam frowned. He put his finger under her chin and lifted her gaze to his. She seemed to be alright. "If I was the type of man who went to dances, I wouldn't take anyone but you," he offered.

A shaky smile curved Emma's cheeks and before Liam could stop himself, he leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. Liam's heart was pounding and his hands were shaking as he pulled away.

Holy hell.... He'd kissed women before.. but never in twenty-seven years of life had he felt anything like what that tiny brushing of lips did to him.

Emma's brown eyes slowly opened and the surprise in them was obvious. "Don't ever think you aren't special to me, Emma..." Liam assured her, his voice tight. "You are. I've never felt like this before."

She licked her trembling lip. "Me either."

Liam felt a strong urge to kiss her again but resisted. He needed to give Emma time—hell, give himself time—before he went too far.

Standing slowly, Liam pulled Emma to her feet. "Let's get you out of this cold."

Liam held out his arm and Emma once again looped hers through. He held her closer to his side as they made their way to the boarding house. Once at the door, Liam pressed a tender kiss to her hair, breathing in the lavender scent before distancing himself.

As they stepped into the kitchen, Liam rolled his eyes. His aunt was standing there with a knowing gleam in her eyes and a grin on her face.

"Did you have a nice talk?"

Liam noticed Emma's face flame red. "I believe I cleared up a few things," Liam replied.

"Well, that's good," Anita winked. "Emma, sweetheart, since your sewing lessons haven't helped much, we'll try cooking today."

"I....I can sew a little..." Emma muttered, clearly embarrassed.

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