Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty


Startled by the sudden voice behind her, Emma jumped and dropped the wet rag she'd been smoothing across Liam's brow on the pillow beside his head.

"Hi Anita..." Emma whispered, her voice tight with fatigue.

"Sweetheart, why don't you got take a break? You've been at his bedside for days."

Emma shook her head as she looked down at Liam's pale, drawn face. Chase and Kyle had moved him back into his own cabin the evening before—they'd insisted that when he woke up he'd rather be at home.

Emma was terrified that they'd never know for sure what his reaction to waking up at home would be. The doctor had cleaned and sewed the wound to his shoulder and had told them the wound itself was not life threatening.

But the blood loss had been great and he continued to run a low fever. The doctor had also voiced concern about the welted lump on the back of Liam's head.

Emma's heart was broken. Her husband, a man she had been dreaming and planning a future with, was lying on the bed nearly dead. He hadn't woke up a single time. Emma had no idea if he would even want to see her if he woke up.

They had so many things to talk about.... Apologies to say and feelings to voice. Liam couldn't now...not like this.

"Emma, please, sweetheart. I have to head back to town. Can you at least come outside and get some fresh air for a few minutes before I leave?"

Again Emma shook her head. "I won't leave him. He might wake up while I'm gone."

Anita sighed and the sound was sad. "I want my nephew to wake up just as badly as you do, but Emma, we have to...."

"Stop!" Emma's voice was loud and desperate as she squeezed her eyes shut tight. "Please..." she whimpered. "Just stop."

Anita's hand gently touched her shoulder. "Okay. I have to be going, Emma. Lauren is waiting for word on Liam. We'll both come out tomorrow."

Emma merely nodded, refusing to look away from her husband's face. She heard Anita walk out and knew that she and Liam were once again alone.

"Liam? Can ya hear me?" she whispered. "I need ya to wake up. I don't want to lose ya. I'm sorry for how I acted before ya left. I was scared and foolish and I spoke without thinking. I need to know if ya forgive me, Liam."

She watched him, hoping, praying that he might respond. He didn't. He continued to lay there still upon the bed.

Emma wet the rag once again in the basin beside the bed and continued to smooth it across his slightly heated brow.

Emma lost track of time. She was lost in her thoughts and her worries. Only when Patrick entered the cabin did Emma look away from Liam and realized that sunset was approaching.

"Emma, honey, you need to go on and stretch your legs awhile," Patrick stated and it was clear the man meant it as an order.

Emma shook her head. "I don't want to leave him, Patrick... what if he wakes up while I'm gone?"

Patrick sighed as he pulled off his hat and gun belt. "If I promise to sit right there in that chair you're sitting in and holler out that door at you if he even shows the smallest sign of waking up, will you go out and get some air for a few minutes before it gets dark?"

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