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"Mr. Kingston, would you like to tell all of us what is so funny?" Tatum looks forward to his teacher with a grin on his face.

"Why Ms. Ruiz, no I would not." He says, hardly containing his laughter. His friends surrounding him are all snickering, making his grin grow even wider.

His teacher gives him a disapproving look, before commenting on how he ought to pay attention.

He simply shakes it off and goes right back to joking around with his friends. Tatum Kingston is that annoying boy in the back of the class surrounded by his friends, causing a ruckus.

He is the boy who you roll your eyes at, but can't help love.

Tatum sends Stacy a wink and she blushes a red color. Tatum thinks Stacy looks quite adorable when she blushes, and always goes out of his way to make her do so.

His attention however, is pulled away from Stacy when his friend Biggs throws a piece of paper at him.

Biggs is Tatum's best friend if boys admitted to having best friends. Tatum likes Biggs better than his other friends, but he will never say it because he doesn't want the guys to think he's gay or anything.

"You ready for tonight's game?" Biggs asks, ignoring the teacher. Tatum rolls his eyes. "Of course I'm ready for tonight's game, Idiot. I'm the captain of the team. I have to be ready."

"Whatever. Which girl are you gonna take home afterwards?" Immediately Tatum's flit towards Stacy. Did she hear that?

Luckily she didn't, as she is too occupied with texting someone, her phone hidden under her desk. Tatum looks back towards Biggs. "Er, I don't know about tonight, man. What girl haven't I taken home?"

A feeling of shame falls upon Tatum as he says this, but he pushes it aside. Biggs laughs. "I don't know, man. Why don't you get on it with Stacy. I've seen you eye her for a while now."

Tatum tries not to blush, but he can feel his ears start to burn. "Man, shut up. And what about you? Still gonna ask my sister to wear your jacket? You can ask her, but you sure as hell ain't taking her home with you."

It's Biggs turn to blush." Man, I would never. I respect her too much to do that." Secretly Tatum is happy it's his best friend that is trying to date his sister, and not some of other sleazy guy he knows.

But Tatum isn't about all that mushy stuff, so he's gonna act tough.

"Anyway, Stacy really isn't up for that kind of stuff you know? She's more of a relationships type girl. Not a one night stand girl."

Which Tatum doesn't think there is anything wrong with that. It makes her even more attractive, knowing that she's looking for the type of companionship that doesn't revolve around sex.

Biggs teases him some more until the bell rings, signaling the end of class, and the end of school as it is the last class of the day. Tatum gets up and starts walking out of the class, Biggs chattering excitedly beside him.

He heads toward the boys locker room before Biggs yanks him back. "Aye boy, where you going?" Tatum raises a perfectly sculpted eyebrow (he gets them done, but don't tell anyone) "Um, to talk to coach about our game tonight."

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