Got My Mind Set On You

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Got My Mind Set On You - george harrison

After a few days in Morro Bay, Ethan watched as the Smith family packed up and left for home. Part of him was devastated that he hadn't been able to get the courage to talk with Hope. The other part of him was already starting to plan what he would say to her the next year when they came.

His mom had mentioned that their family made this trip every year, so he knew they would be back. He had also started discouraging himself from even trying. He realized that they probably lived quite a ways from there. How would he even be able to build anything with her from a long distance, especially at their age.

He felt that the situation was hopeless. Ironic.

Ethan tried to slyly ask his mom about her and her family. He found her working in her make-shift office.

"Hey, Mom, you said the Smiths come up here every year, right?"

"Yes," she said without looking up at him.

"Um, do they always come in June?" He tried to ask casually.

"Yes, always the second weekend." This time she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. So much for being casual.

"So, do they only stay a few days?" He was skating on thin ice. His mom could usually figure him out and he knew the wheels were turning at that moment.

"Usually, but once in a while they stay a whole week. It's been a long time since they did that. What's going on, son. You sure are curious about them all the sudden."

And there it was. He took a deep breath and sighed, "I don't know, I was just wondering cuz you were so concerned about them earlier." That seemed like a good cover.

She looked at him for a minute, just thinking. He knew she was trying to read his mind, and she usually got it right. But then she let him off the hook. "Okay, well, they've just been coming so long I wanted them to have a nice stay." With that she turned back to her paperwork and sent him on his way.

He had wanted to ask more about them. Like where did they live, exactly how old was Hope (her brother hadn't been that helpful), when did they call to reserve their space... But he didn't.

Instead he went back to their place and called Will to go surfing. That always cleared his head and calmed him down. He figured, after watching Hope drive away for at least a year, he would be spending a ton of time in the water.


As predicted, Ethan spent every day that he could in the water. Surfing, working at the campground and on the boat with Will's dad kept him busy all summer. Ethan was glad because every down moment he had was spent thinking about Hope, wondering what he should say to her if he ever got the chance.

The school year started, which was a relief to Ethan. Finally, something else to get his mind off of Hope. He was able to throw himself into his studies, which was a bit unusual for him. He did alright in school but he wasn't one of those book nerds (not his term, and he felt bad even thinking it). This year, however, was another story altogether. His grades were actually up and he seemed to understand the subjects better.

After a few months, he was able to push thoughts of Hope to the back of his mind. They were still there, but they didn't control him as much. He didn't dare say anything to Will about her. He would definitely turn it into his mission to get the two "togther" and Ethan didn't need that kind of pressure.

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