Chapter | 12

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The crickets chirped all around the oval and sitting under the umbrella, Emily sat with Anna in her lap while Carla went and got them ice-cream from the kiosk. It was going to be a hot day and as it hit midday the thirty seven degree day felt like it had be more likely in the high forties.

"So did you do it?" Carla flopped down on the picnic blanket and handed Emily one of the icy poles, breaking off a small piece of her own for Anna to make a mess with. Emily didn't need to answer as her face went red with embarrassment not heat. "Details"

"I'm not sharing the details" Emily blushed further, glancing out over the field to find Jack still on the pitch as Joshua got ready to take a hit.

"Come on! For months you two have been building up to this moment. I bet it was mind blowing, he doesn't come across as a guy who would leave you disappointed" Carla teased, biting her lip she needed more than icy pole to cool herself now.

"Oh he's not" Emily made a face at Anna who was drooling blue from the cold treat which opened her mouth to reveal a blue tongue. "How cute is she?"

Getting out her phone, Emily took a quick picture of Anna as around them the crowd yelled enthusiastically as Joshua was out on a duck. The girls quickly clapped, laughing as Anna mimicked their motions and an annoyed Joshua went back to where his team mates sat in the shade of the trees. "Adorable. Come on Em, give me something!"

"I felt like I was sixteen again, our date was perfect and I was so nervous going home. I didn't think I was the kind of girl who gave it up on a first date"

"Well with all your predates I don't think that counts"

"There wasn't a predate, we were friends going out" Emily didn't like what Carla was implying, making her feel as if she had been doing the dirty on Greg when the reality was far from it and she couldn't exactly say the same about him.

"Whatever. So what are you going to do now?" The same question had been bothering Emily since he left this morning. He could never be a permanent fixture in her life; he was here on a working visa and would be gone in a couple of months. She ignored the ache that the thought of losing him bought on.

"I don't know. He is going home for Christmas and then only has another couple of months; it's stupid to be falling for someone so unattainable" Sighing she laid back, the joy from the night before disappearing as reality returned.

"What if he stays? Have you even talked about it?"

"It's been one date Carla; technically he could be my rebound guy. I can't just jump from one long term relationship to another"

"Why not? You and Greg have really been broken up longer than a few weeks, it's been a good year of neglect and the guy is a douche. Forget about him and focus on you and what makes you happy. If Jack does that, what does it matter?"

"So what, I just ask him to stay here with me?"

"I don't think you'll need to ask. He is head over heels for you, I bet he is already working out a way to stay" Carla picked up Anna, grabbing a wet wipe she cleaned her daughters face and hands. Since Emily turned up with him at the hospital she saw her old friend return and while she had been wary, Carla wasn't surprised at the turn of events. He just fitted into all of their lives so easily, like he had always been there. If he did leave, it wouldn't just be Emily who missed him.

"I guess time will tell then" Sitting up Jack was finally in his batting position and hit the ball for six across the field. As their team supporters all clapped and cheered, Emily quickly joined in.

"Yeah I guess" Carla mumbled under her breath, wondering if she would have to pick up the pieces of her friend or not.

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