Chapter | 15

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Saying goodbye to the person you love at the airport wasn’t new to Emily. What was new was the fact she was going to miss Jack more than anything. Sitting within the members lounge at the terminal she sat fidgeting with the bangles that lined her arm while Jack grabbed coffee for them. Glancing out over the concrete runways the sun was barely an orange line on the horizon behind the hills, the four o’clock flight time was a killer yet she wouldn’t miss these last minutes with him.

“Here you go” Yawning she accepted the hot cup, not sure if coffee was what she actually needed right now.


“You didn’t have to come you know, it’s really early” He held her hand tight in his and she shook her head.

“No its fine, early morning airport runs aren’t new to me and I couldn’t not be here” He sipped his coffee, finding almost ironic they met when she was doing just that.

“That’s true. So helped any useless travellers today?” He teased, and she laughed appreciating the joke.

“Not yet, but it is early” As if on cue a woman walked past with two overfilled gift bags and a small carry on trolley case was being dragged behind her yet one of the gift bags handle way and the contents spilled out all over the floor. Before Emily could put down her coffee cup, Jack was up and helping the lady and seeing the water bottle roll under their chairs Emily grabbed it and handed it over.

“Thank you!” She gushed, despite being nearly double their age the woman fluttered her eyelashes in Jacks direction and ignored Emily.

“You’re welcome” Jack was quick to go back beside Emily as she carried on by them.

“How about you? Helped any wayward travellers lately?”

“Very funny Em”

“I thought so” She hugged his arm, sitting her legs up on the chair beside her. Her smile left her face as she realized there was only half hour until boarding now. “I’m going to miss you”

“I’ll miss you, more than you know Em” Emily snorted as she took a sip her coffee, nearly covering herself with it.

“What?” Jack didn’t find anything amusing about that.

“How sappy are we? I’ll miss you, I’ll miss you more” She mimicked, deciding to try and use humor to get them through this.

“You’re right. Are we one of ‘those’ couples?” He asked, enjoying her smile.

“Oh god we are” They burst out laughing, not because it was particularly funny but it helped distract them. Finally settling down she sat on his lap, leaning into his chest as his larger sized seemed to make her appear even tinier.

“I will miss you” She finally said, staring at the clock in the corner of the room like she could will it slow down.

“I know” He kissed the top of her head, the coconut scent of her shampoo just one of the parts that made up the millions of things he loved about her.

“You’re meant to say it back”

“I thought we didn’t want to be one of those couples?”

“I never said that”

Time, rather than slow down like Emily was hoping instead started to fly by. The minutes were going quicker than the seconds and the beep of the PA had her holding onto him tighter.

“Could passengers for Qantas flight QF915 please make your way to boarding gate six…”

“That’s yours isn’t it?” Emily asked sadly, not daring to look at his face just yet.

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