Chapter Eleven

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I stand in the door opening and wave at Lucas. He leaves in his Audi after I gave him back his jacket.

I close the door and turn around, being immediately captivated by Frank's undeniable fierce posture.

"You punched Lucas," I say overdramatized when it becomes clear he's not going to apologise. "In. The. Face."

He stays quiet and tough. I shake my head in disbelief about what just happened, while walking to my piano. I start organizing the piano sheets, like that would help me to get a clearer insight on the situation.

Frank interrupts the process. "You should've told me about your little blond boyfriend having the key."

Oh he did not. "He doesn't have the key. And he's not my boyfriend, not like that's any of your business."

The anger on his face shifts visibly to a cold and emotionless expression. "You're right, it's none of my business." Why did that feel like an insult? "But as it is MY JOB to keep a certain person away from harm, I should know how people without the key can get inside the house."

I look at the front door. Didn't I went outside this morning? With a voice, not so loud and drained from anger, I tell him I went outside and forgot to lock the door. He sighs, but looks more or less understanding. "I'll pay better attention to it next time." He says.

"Don't punch my friend again, Frank." I add stoically when he starts ascending the stairs. He answers in the same manner. "He was too pretty. I did him a favor."

Days went by, little did happen. My dad had given Frank permission to use his study, before he left. I don't know what Frank does in there, but he spends a lot of time in that room. Two times, that I know of, he had left the house. He wouldn't tell me where he went. It makes me feel very suspicious.

But something else, something worrisome, is haunting my thoughts. Lucas has asked me to come to his party, but I had forgotten to take an unpleasant part in consideration before answering him. I haven't been far outside the house since...

Tomorrow is the party and I've only dared to walk ten meters outside the house. Maybe I should tell him I can't come after all. But thinking about how terrible I acted last Friday and how Frank punched Lucas in the face, AND how he still asked me to come, I convince myself it would be very rude to decline his invitation. I admit: I am genuinely nervous.

I've been sitting behind my piano for the last fifteen minutes, without playing a single note. I know playing will make me feel better, but I just can't, something is holding me back. Gently, I place my elbows on the piano keys and I let my forehead rest in my hands. I need to learn to go outside again. I can't live like this forever.

"Is everything alright?" I turn around. Frank is standing by the white column, his arms folded as usual. I'm not sure if I trust him with one of my biggest weaknesses.

"It's nothing, don't bother." I stand up from the piano chair and walk to the back door. I look outside through the door's window. Trees stand still and almost all leaves are already gone. Winter is coming.

Frank followed me to the door. "Do you want to take a walk?" I hesitate. I'm not really in the mood for panic attacks. Preferably, I would like to avoid them for the rest of my life. But on the other side, this may be the last chance I have left, learning how to go outside without having a mental breakdown. Lucas' party is tomorrow already. Come on, be strong! I collect all the mental strength I can find.

"Yes I do, actually."

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