Chapter Sixteen

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I'm sitting in the passenger's seat next to Frank, while he's driving back home. Although the nausea has gone, I still feel funny.

The headlights light up the road and some trees. They rush by in a hypnotic way. It's beginning to snow as well. I am tired, but resist the urge to fall asleep in the car. Maybe I should write that text to Lucas, it will keep me focused.

While I'm typing, I notice how tight Frank's hands clasp around the steering wheel. I wanted to say something, but I changed my mind. After I send the text, I look outside again.

The trees look like they're dancing by the speed of the car: just as the people at the party. I'm doubting myself, but they look like they're slightly changing color. Strange.

I'm not that highly aware of the time at this point, but I do notice we're home. Frank drives the car onto the driveway and kills the engine. He looks outside at nothing in particular and rubs his chin with his hand, like he's considering something. After he casted one last look at the rear-view mirror, he opens the car door and steps out. I also step out and immediately, the cold lets me shiver.

When we're inside, Frank locks the door and I throw my bag on the couch before dropping myself on it as well. How soft... I almost fall asleep, until I hear some noise coming from the kitchen. Without moving out of my comfortable position, I call out to Frank. "What are you doing there? It has to be past midnight, you know."

I don't get an answer. I sigh. Alright then. With effort, I raise myself up from the couch and head for the kitchen. "Hellooo, did you hear me?" I wave my hand at Frank, like he wouldn't be able to see me from a distance of two meter.

He grants me only a short glance. "I'm making something that will make you feel better."

I cast a confused look. What is he talking about? "I feel just fine, you don't have to make me anything."

He lightly shakes his head in disbelieve, with a cold smile hovering his mouth. "I do." He says resolutely.

I'm not feeling like staying silent with this one. "You know Frank, I'm getting a bit tired of your commands all the time."

He doesn't even look surprised. "Is that so?" He says without stopping to prepare some sort of beverage, I think.

"Yeah, I am. And I'm not that fond of you not taking me serious as well."

Again, he doesn't even look at me. "What a pity."

Is he making me angry on purpose? At last, he presents his beverage. It has a green color and doesn't look that tasty. "Drink." He commands.

I stubbornly fold my arms. "No, I'm not going to drink that."

I notice Frank clamp his jaw. "Giselle, you're drunk."

What does he mean 'you're drunk'. The only beer I drank was poured in my mouth by Pete, but that was way too little.: I can't become drunk from such a small amount. Besides, I never drink carelessly. I look at the drink again, which has changed into purple. Is that normal?


I ignore Frank, because I'm suddenly overwhelmed by the feeling of sadness.

" Ell, just drink it up."

And then I snap. "How is it that you think you can tell me what to do all the time? You're not the boss over me and you certainly don't know what's best for me!"

He slowly but audibly breaths in and out, before he calmly speaks. "Maybe I do know what's best for you."

I shake my head while looking at the ground. How should he even know how I feel, after being abducted? To have lost time and memory, when you know now you were surrendered at the mercy of unknown people. How could he possibly know how it feels to be afraid All. The. Time?

Tears fill my eyes.

"You know nothing, Frank."

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