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Kousuke boarded the train from Kyoto to Tottori. The ride was going to be 3 hours. So scence he hadn't sleapt well the night before prepearing for the mission, he figured he should get atleast 3 hours in.
~3 hours later~
"Next stop, Tottori prefecture. "
Kousuke woke up just on time and got off the train. When he was on the staition platform he took out his phone to check if he had gotten any new messages from the boss. And sure enough, there was one.
-forgot to tell you, Jackson will be your partner for this one.-
Well thats great. Thought Kousuke sarcasticlly as he put his phone away. He walked away into the hotel district. He had 500 dollars on him, that would be enough to rent a room for around 3 days... for himself that is. But knowing Jackson he would probably have to pay for him as well. His phone buzzed, it was from no other than Jackson.
-Just arrived at the station. Where are you?-
-In the hotel district-
-What hotel?-
-The honney moon hotel?-
-Dude. I'm kink shaming-
Kousuke waited outside the hotel for Jackson to arrive. When he did he was surprised to see that Jackson had actually brought money with him. He explained to him he had also brought money.( I'm to lazy to write the dilect) They ended up having to rent a room with 1 bed due to all the reservations. (・ิω・ิ)
In the room
When they arrived to their room they lazily kicked off their shoes. Kousuke threw himself on the bed while Jackson faceplanted on the floor.
"Get off the floor its dirty. "
"Who are you, my mother? "
"Just get up. "
Jackson did as he was told(for the first time) and went to the night stand. He took out the manuel in the cabnet and began reading.
"Sais here they have breakfast from 7:30 to 11:00. "
"Ok. "
They both ended up watching TV till around 8:30 until Kousuke decided to shower. When he got out, Jackson went in after to shower himself. When he came out he saw that Kousuke had already fallen asleep. In the middle of the bed. Like a fucking starfish. Jackson went up to him and shook him lightly.
"Scoot over. "
"Sure. "

Jackson slid into the bed and put a pillow between them.

" I swear to god, if you so much as cross a hair over this pillow I will put an end to you myself."

In the morning, Kousuke's leg was laid over Jacksons waist, while Jackson was pushing Kousuke's face and the rest of his upper body off the bed. Jackson was the first to wake up, the time was 9:47. He freed himself from Kousuke's leg and went into the bathroom to brush his teeth. He cheked the clock that was on top of the mirror in the bathroom.
*brushing his teeth* Should I get him breakfast? I think I'll get him breakfast.
After brushing his teeth he went down to the lobby and got them both breakfast. He ended up getting tsukemono and tamago. While he was walking out of the dining room he was wondering why girls kept stearing at him, then he realized he had forgotten to put on a shirt. He had been wearing drop croch sweat pants. Then he realized why they were stearing.
Half whispered half yelled one girl.
"Shut up I think he can hear you. "
Said her friend. Jackson just ignored them and kept walking back to his room. When he got back he saw that Kousuke had woken up.
"I got you food. "
"Ok. So you went out a shirt? "
"Shut up. "
They ate their food in silence with only the sound of elmo playing. Because Kousuke being the dumbass he is got a hotel that only plays elmo. After they finished eating, Jackson(wearing a shirt this time) took the plates and cups back to the dining room. It was empty for the most part, with the exeption of a young newly wed couple.
When he got back to the room, he cheked his phone and saw he had a new message the boss.
-Here's the adress to the place you two need to be at. Be careful though its kinda run down-
Kousuke had read the text message over Jackson's shoulder. "It's go time. "
The two got out of the hotel and headed to the adress provided. When they got there they saw that the boss man had been serious about the place being run down. It was a concrete biulding with sheet metal where the windows should have been. There were chucks of cement missing and/or scattered on the floor around the biulding. There was a small ally next to the biulding, an old homeless man ran out of it looking high as fuck.
"Oh god we're gonna catch a disease or something. I swear to God. " Said Kousuke
"Don't be a bitch baby. "
"Whatever, let's just get this over with. "
"K. "
They pried off a piece of sheet metal and crawled in to what seemed to be a loby. They were thinking that it might have been an old hotel or something like that at some piont. They walked up the stairs to the roof top. Once up there, Kousuke set up the scope and loaded the guns. He gave one to Jackson and said, '' On my count, we'll shoot at the same time so that we don't know which bullet killed the guy.''

"Ok. "
"Do you have the information on him? "
"Yep. We're looking for Tadashi Ayasegawa. He is wanted for distribution on illegal drugs and human trafficing. But that's what the government wants him for. We want him because he failed to show up to a deal. He had 6 months to pay the boss man back and did nothing. "
"Got it. Any discription? "
"Hes aroud 5'10. Has short hair. Looks like a body biulder. Has a tattoo of a scorpion on his face, and is missing an eye. "
"Ok. "
The two possitioned themselves on the roof. Kousuke looked through the scope to try and find a man matching the description Jackson had given him. It took around 3 hours of looking till he was spotted coming out of a sushi bar.
"Target spotted. "
"Yeet. "
Kousuke aimed his gun to the mas head. Jackson aimed his to the left lung. "Fire. " Both shot at the same time. Both hit their target. Tadashi was dead before he hit the ground. The blood quickly pooled around his lifeless body. The bullet that had gone into his lung had passed through his body and hit a woman on the leg. The sreams on people echoed of the biuldings surroundig the streets.
"Ok. Lets go home. "
Said Jackson
"No. Leaving right after a murder will be too suspicious. We have to stay in town a littel longer. "
"If you say so. "
They diched the weapons on the roof as instructed by the boss man. Kousuke did take the scope though. When they got back to the hotel room, they both showered and watched TV.
After watching TV for about 2 hours, Kousuke fell assleep on Jackson's shoulder scence they had been leaning up againsh the head board. Jackson continued watching TV for another 30 minuts or so before turining off the television. Not wanting to wake Kousuke up, he wrapped his arms around Kousuke's upper body and slowly lowered his head onto the pillow. This time though when he was about to fall asleep he didn't put a pillow between them because he had noticed that the night before Kousuke had been shivering as if he was cold. They had been sleeping for about 2 hours when Kousuke woke Jackson up.
"Im cold. "
"Well then cover up. "
"I am. "
"Well what do you want me to do? "
"Hold me. "
That was all Kousuke said before laching himself onto Jackson. He didn't try to pull him off he just kinda laid there and let Kousuke do as he pleased. He just sighed and hugged Kousuke back.
"You're warm. "
"Don't make this more akward than it already is. "
Kousuke stayed silent.
"You're causing tension....that kind of tension.''
"Ugh. Whatever. Goodnight. "
"Yea. Goodnight. "

Dont let it end this way ( ✔ Completed ✔ )Where stories live. Discover now