"How bad you want him dead?"

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"What do you mean he's dead?! " Jessica yelled as the news of Itsuki's death porcessed through her head. "I mean he's dead, Jessica. He's gone we can't being him back. " Mr. Isozaki replied to her. Jessica was in disbelief and she ran across the court yard to the main house and down to the basement. There at the bottom of the stairs lay Itsuki motionless and surrounded by a pool of blood. There was also a small trail of blood going up the down the stairs in drops. Jessica ran to the bottom and pulled Itsuki on to her lap, ''Wake up! Itsuki wake up! " she said lightly slapping his face trying to get him to wake up. "You can't leave me like this. Wake up! Please! " she said her voice beginning to crack. "Please God no! No no no! Itsuki wake up! Don't go! Please! " she yelled as hot tears began to flow down her face. Mr, Isozaki and Jones we standing atop the stair case watching her mourn Itsuki's death. "Go pull her away from the body. " said Mr. Isozaki as he left to go do a body count. Jones walked down the stairs towards Jessica. "Come on. You have to let him go, look you're getting blood all over yourself. " Jessica just continued crying over Itsuki's body. "Who did this to him? " Jessica asked through her tears. "Who do you think? " Jones replied to her. Jackson Isozaki, I swear to you that I will get my revenge if it's the last thing I do. Jessica said silently cursing Jackson in her mind.
Shortly after, Mr. Isozaki returned with the body count. "What's the count? " Jones asked there's too much blood to tell but i'm thinking beetween 45-50. "
"That's too much man power lost due to one person, wouldn't you say, Katsu? " Mr. Isozaki and Jones looked up to the second floor of the house. There at the top of the staris was Natasha. "What is it to you? "
"You know very well what it is to me." said Natasha angrily as she started making het way down the stairs to confront Katsu.(Mr. Isozaki) "How much longer are you gonna let this go on? How much longer are we goingbto have to endure this.....this pain. It makes absolutely no sence to me as to why you just let this go on and on. He's your son you shouldn't be trying to kill him everyday of both his and your life. At this point you'll end up spending the last of your days trying to get him killed, and for what? Revenge? A sense of accomplishment? ! Does life mean that little to you?! "
"Natasha, you knew very well going into this relationship...this marriage that things were going to be like this. You've delt with for the past 20 years and you WILL deal with it for another 20. But think about it this way now that that precious son of yours has killed someone that one of MY staff members is close to, I won't have to do anything to get rid of him just sit back and watch it all play out."
"You're sick. Rott in hell!" Natasha said before slapping Katsu and going back up the stairs to the bedroom she shared with Katsu. "Jessica, come in here. " Katsu called. Jessica walked into the room with tears streaks staining her face. "How badly do you want him (Jackson)dead? "
"A lot sir"
"Ok then what if I pay you to get rid of him? Will you do it? Think about Itsuki, he would have wanted you to do this to avenge his death, would he not? "
"He would."
"So what do you say?"
"I'll do it. "
"Good girl." Said Mr. Isokaki as he left to go up stairs to try to sort things out with Natasha.
The deal was set. Jessica would kill Jackson in 2 weeks time. Till then she had training to under go.
After 2 weeks of training date was set.  Today's the day. Jessica thought. Today is the day.

Welp I know this chapter is shit but oh whale. It's all gonna come to an end soon. But don't worry...I'll write another story. I already got some ideas floating around my head.

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