Chapter-8 The deal

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I felt my heart flutter with joy hearing his promise to his son.
I don't know if I'm dreaming or not but I thought I saw a glimpse of admiration and love in his eyes while looking at me intently.
A little bit later he was walking towards me. I was shocked when he slid his arms around my waist and pulled me next to him while opening the door for us to exit. I look back to my son but he's busy already playing with his new toys. After seeing him shut the door closed. I quickly shook his hands off that were still resting comfortably on my waist like it's just a normal thing that it lays there.
I thought I was finally free but it lasted only for a few seconds when I felt him hold me back again, encircling his arm possessively on my waist before bringing me inside the next room.
Argh! I was supposed to complain but my attention was caught seeing his huge office with a big office table. He has a big leather couch and a 105 inch Samsung curved UHD t.v. A big bookshelf on the corner filled with lots of books, probably about business ethics and management. I felt his warm breath touching my neck when suddenly he embraced me from behind.
Instantly a spark of tiny bolts of electricity tickles me down to my core!
Damn you Clyde!
This is wrong! My mind shouted out. Everything that he is doing right now isn't right.
I have to remind him I'm not somebody he can play with.
" What do you think you're doing,Clyde? " I asked while resisting the urge to turn around and kiss him back!
Yes, though I know I should refuse him but this goddamn feeling I have for him that never fades away is trying to dominate my mind.
" What?" He played innocent.
" You mean this...? " he said, teasing me by featherly brushing his lips from my neck up to my ears.
Shit! God...that felt good.
Wait?! Hold on?! Is he seducing me right now ?! I need to hold a moan that wants to slip away from my lips.
No no no....! Not like this Alec! I remind myself!
" Stop this right now Clyde...! We need to talk, I didn't come here to be your plaything. " There! I mustered enough courage to stand firm in what I want and what I can't be allowed to be. I think the last words I said made an impact on him because I felt his body stiffen for a bit before letting me go.
" Tsk.. tsk.. tsk...My little kitten never changes and that's what I like about you." He said extremely satisfied before offering me to sit.
" Well, please have a seat and let's tackle the custody of my son. " Clyde enunciates like it's the most important business venture he needs to win. Well, that's better but scarier too.
I took a seat on the couch while he walked to his table and took a folder laying on top of it.
After scanning the content of the folder, I saw him lift his face which catches me staring at him.
Shit! I'm busted!
He gave me a wink that made my heart flutter and coloured my face beat red.
Damn it!
He walks to the couch and sits on the opposite side facing me.
The smirk faded away on his lips and was replaced by a serious look that gave him a sense of authority.
" Sign this contract and we won't have a big problem. " He said while passing the folder to me.
My brow arch irritatingly. Is he scaring me?
" What If I don't agree with this? "I trail off holding the folder.
" Refuse it my dear 'Little kitten' and I won't hesitate to use my influence to make things difficult for you to have 'our son' in your custody. " He said in an imposing tone.
"Are you trying to blackmail me 'Mr Clyde Harlington'?! Don't you have balls?!" I fired back mocking him.
Which made him stand up and sit next to me on the couch. He pulls both of my arms towards him forcefully.
" Don't assume that  because you're the mother of my child that I can't be mean to you, Alexandria Morgan." He said angrily before letting me go. I can see the outrage in his eyes that he contained inside of him but I'm infuriated too! So fuck off!
" Why should I marry you? can't we just make an agreement that you can have my son for the weekend and I can be with him on weekdays?! Why marry me, If the only bond that's connecting us is our son?! Why?! " I asked him with so much confusion. I can't understand why we need to be married. I only want to be married to the person that I love and loves me back.
He quickly held me in his arms, which I refused to. I pull him with all my might.
" Stop this Clyde..! you can't just hug me or kiss me like it's just normal..?! I'm not a thing that you can possess! " I told him one thing. He crossed the borderline between us.
" No. I won't stop! your mine! Alexandria! That moment when you gave yourself to me six years ago you are already mine and you can't escape from me now. I'll make sure you'll stay here in my house with our son whether you like it or not!" he said firmly before lifting me which made me sit on his lap. I instantly felt that electrifying feeling whenever we were so near to each other. His warm body sent a sensual feeling to my core.
I looked straight into his eyes to ridicule him but I was taken aback when I saw those deep brown eyes.
Damn! They are so mesmerizing. It's showing a thousand emotions that I can't explain why I'm seeing right now.
He pulls me into a hug that I can't refuse.
"Your mine only 'Little kitten' only mine.." He whispered in my ears declaring his claim on me.
That I'm his.
What's happening to me..?!
Why can't I fight much?!
Why can't I refuse him?!
Do I love him this much?!
I don't know anymore.
All I comprehend is that I like it every time I'm with him 'before' and even now.
" Can we stop fighting now? I don't want to fight with you Alexandria.." He said after a brief moment.
I pulled Clyde on his chest.
" You're the one blackmailing me here?! So you're the one that started the fight! " I said, sneering at him.
Huh..! The nerves of this guy?!
But his right, we can't solve this by fighting.
Fighting makes things worse. I took A deep breath and sighed. I guess he win today.
As I'm agreeing to his plan but I also want to make a deal.
" Ok fine, I'll sign it. "I said after which made him arch his brow in disbelief.
" Just so you know my little kitten, this is Final. You can't take back what you just said right now." He said seriously.
He pulls me out of his lap and moves the folder with a fountain pen in front of me. I took the pen and opened the folder. I lift the pages until I reach the last page. Before I sign I look back at him.
" Before I sign this let's make things clear and I want you to hand me a paper so that we can make the list that I want if I'm going to tie myself to you. " I said to him seriously.
I saw his trademark smirk go back to his lips.
"And what kind of list do you have in mind for my little kitten'? " he said amused.
" Why? Are you scared it might be too much for your own good?" I fired back again. I saw him stand up and went to his table. He pulled out one of the drawers and took a few pieces of printing paper and brought them to the small table next to me.
"Write it down,little kitten," he said, daring me.
I smiled at him victoriously. I started to write down on the papers what I wanted.
1.) Clyde can't force himself on me.
2.) I can be free wherever I want to go.
3.) We will live for 3 months together before we get married.
I hand him the paper and watch as his brow creases.
" Is this necessary?! Come on Alexandria, after we got married you dutifully needed to sleep with me. It's my right and You're my wife. no. I won't agree with this! This list is rubbish." He said after.
My mouth fell open after hearing what he said.
" This list is not worthless...?! Can't you at least give me those three things I wanted for agreeing with this whole propaganda you are making on me? " I said to him irritatingly.
Goodness..! What am I going to do with him? He's so stubborn as hell!
He took the paper back and scanned it again.
Then he places it back on the table and starts putting an x mark, on number two and number three,
What was left is number one he put a check on it.
"I'm agreeing to number one, I promised not to force myself on you but number two I can't allow you to go outside without me or a bodyguard.
I can't risk your life.
I have many enemies that are waiting for this chance to hurt me through you or somebody close to me.
And lastly, I can't also agree on the third list as I needed my son to be in my name as soon as possible.
He is my sole heir and I need him to be stated as Harlington, not Morgan.
The same goes for you 'little kitten' I want people calling you Mrs Alexandria Harlington, not Miss. Morgan.
You can't say No. This is final and you must follow it. " He said firmly with a serious tone that can't be broken.
Ohh god...
I'm in a big mess again.
I'm so confused right now, there are a lot of things I wanted to ask but I don't have the nerve and power to say it directly.
Next time Alec, There's always a next time I tell myself.
I stared back at him defeatedly.
"Ok, you win," I said to him and signed the contract.
But  Little did I know Clyde is smiling triumphantly, the plan did work!
Hi, my dear readers my apologies for not updating, sometimes im not my best self.
I hope you like this chapter.

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