[04] - something strange in this DNAge

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It was tough for Johnny to wake up from the storm and to find Reed and Sue pulling Ben into the station, still unconscious. He blinked before looking over to his left and seeing something that made his face loose all color. Tony, who looked to still be unconscious as well, also had shattered glass all around her. The part of her suit covering her stomach was splotched with blood as some of the glass pieces had lodged into her. Once getting over the initial shock, Johnny scrambled to her side and looked over her wounded body.

"Oh god, Reed!" Johnny yelled even though Reed hadn't been 5 feet from him. Reed turned and his eyes widened at the state of his assistant.

"Tony! Johnny what happened?"

"It must have been from the storm."

Sue came over as well, looking over all the glass around the younger girl. "Where did all the glass come from?"

"She-She was holding one of the extra sample canisters when the storm hit. It must have broke or something." Johnny explained. Reed ran out of the room leaving the Storm siblings with the knocked out teammates. Johnny watched Tony as her breathing came a bit more labored than before, her eyes scrunching up and sweat starting to form on her forehead. A couple seconds later and Reed came back carrying a first aid case and opening it up.

"We need to remove the glass." Reed said, looking through the case.

"But we don't know how deep they're in there. She could end up bleeding out before we get her back to Earth." Sue explained. Reed looked at Tony and saw how her breathing was more labored as well, knowing that she was starting to feel the pain. After making the decision, Reed turned to Johnny.

"Johnny, go find Victor. Tell him we need to get back now for Ben and Tony."

"Got it."

Johnny got up and bolted from the room, going to find the billionaire. Sue and Reed were left with Tony who was starting to wake up. Her eyes blinking open, but only to close in pain that radiated from her stomach. She let out a moan and tried to touch her stomach that felt like it was on fire, but Reed stopped her. "Tony, stop. Don't touch your stomach."

"What happened?" She asked, opening her eyes again and looking around. Then they widened and she tried to stand up. "Ben. Where's Ben?!"

"Tony, you have to stay still."

"Where's Ben, Reed?"

"He's unconscious, but okay. You need to stay lying down." Reed gently pushed her down back to the floor before going through the first aid kit again. "Sue, help Tony take off the top part of her suits. I need to get to the glass and wrap her up good so she doesn't loose too much blood."

"Alright." Sue said, too panicked to fight with him like usual. The blonde threw the lily that was still lying on her chest away and unzipped the two jumpsuits; pulling them down to her waist as Reed took out the larger pieces that weren't that deep. After pushing the suits to her hips, Reed took a gauze and whipped down her stomach to get rid of some of the blood that had started pooling there.

"Tony, I'm not going to lie to you. This is gonna hurt a lot." Reed told her as he got ready to start getting the deeper pieces out of her stomach. Tony looked at him and nodded, clenching her jaw in preparation. Just as Reed was about to start, Johnny ran back into the room. He looked out of breath but a small smile was on his face.

"Victor's okay. He said he's calling down right now to tell ground control that there was a problem and that we would be heading back as soon as possible."

"Good job Johnny." Sue said with a smile before loosing it and looking back down to Tony. Johnny's eyes followed her and was surprised to see the now topless Tony in the room, but then his eyes caught her bloody stomach. His stomach lurched at the sight. "Johnny, I'm gonna need you to hold Tony down. This is gonna put her in a lot of pain and we can't have her moving around." He nodded and slowly got to Tony's side again. Said woman looked up at him and was about to say something when she felt Reed start. The scream that came out of her was loud and echoed all the way through the station for Victor to hear.

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