Part 3: Kling and Moe

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Moe was laying on her bed as Kling was sitting on hers and Morgan asked "Meggy?" Kling looked over from her laptop and said "Yeah Moe?" Moe asked "Do you think everyone will like me for who I am?" Kling replied "I hope so Morgan Paige I hope so sweetie. Did you bring you homework? Your mom and dad wanted me to make sure that you did it." Moe got it out and started working and she didn't get as frustrated as she did as a kid or just get upset as much as a kid. She got working for a few hours before Kling told her to get ready for bed.

Kling tucked Morgan in as she had seen Moe's parents do multiple times during the years they have known each other. Kling had met Morgan at a camp and they had bonded and soon became best friends. They told each other everything and when Kling left for college and for camps and for Sweden, Morgan was heartbroken she cried loudly and would want Kling her mother told her. She would clutch the photo of the two of them and have it on her nightstand.

So anyway, once Moe was asleep Kling went back to work on her laptop and was researching things about Moe making sure nothing was online about her Autism. The older girl didn't want the younger girl to be embarrassed for something so she also checked to make sure Moe had her daily meds. She was to make sure the small girl took them daily during camp. Her roommate Danny Colaprico did that on campus for UVA. She didn't find anything so she left it alone and went to sleep herself.

End of chapter

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