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This is one of mine.

This was at another apartment I had lived in.

This particular apartment had three bedrooms, it had an upstairs and a downstairs. I've had three experiences there.

The first one, well... I don't quite remember the order, but I'm putting this one first since it happened on the main floor.

My mom's office was on the lower level, my sister and I had the upper level to ourselves. Her chair was the kind that could spin around.

I saw, in her chair, an older woman, her dark hair pinned back neatly. She was wearing a white dress, like the older nurses wore, dating to maybe the 40s-60s. She had on a hat too, one of the older nurse hats that were kind of like the old sailor hats, only more pointed and had the red cross symbol on it. Her shoes were white, along with everything else.

She was just sitting there, like a normal person, as solid as a normal person, but I know the difference between a ghost and a person.

I blinked and she was gone.


In middle of the night, there was a loud bang and later on, we found that a box of trash bags had fallen out of the cabinet. That isn't possible rationally, considering it was in the cabinet pretty well, the door fully closed. There wasn't anything else that could've caused it except for something paranormal.


This happened upstairs.

My sister had gotten the bigger room upstairs, I'd gotten the smaller one.

A lot of people will say that ghosts only appear at night, but I know from many of my experiences, it's not always true. Most of my experiences happened during the day.

One day, I looked into her room and there was a girl standing in there. She had dark brown hair and was wearing a white dress. In her hand was a bloody knife. She was smiling, wickedly, almost inhumanly.

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