Meeting gone wrong

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Thank Mrs_Draco_Malfoy for the update. She has been bugging me to update soon.

Dumbledore is my hero!

At least he was, until my brother couldn't come to meet me.

Stupid Douche-bag!

Have you ever known the feeling of thinking that someone is there for you right before they ditch you? It's not fun.


Anyway... Dumbledore brought me to my brothers house but he wasn't there. All I got was someone yelling and screaming in my face and then the door being slammed.

Dumbledore then took me to Diagon Alley.

You now know what has happened in the last few hours!


"Dumbledore?" I look up at him tentatively.

"Yes?" His eyes bore down on me.

"I don't have any money. I don't want to be any trouble though!" I start to panic. What if he thinks I'm stupid or doesn't want to help me?

"Don't worry Annalise. We will get you money and then drop you off with the Weasleys when they come. Okay?" I nod my head vigorously. 

I followed him up to the stone steps of a large building called Gringotts. It's the wizard bank. I've heard Bellatrix speak of it in passing a few times. There are Goblins inside.

"Dumbledore? Can I have my key please?" He just hands me my key in response.

"YAY!" I scream running into Gringotts and smiling at the goblins. There was a cute one that was probably really young. I run up to him and give him a big hug.

I then start walking like a normal person up to the front desk. I show the goblin the key and mumble, "Annalise Kathrin Potter would like to make a withdrawal."

He stares at me with an open mouth.

"I am Griphook. I would be delighted to help the last Potter." Griphook says. He looks a lot like the little goblin I hugged before.

I follow him into a cart. It pushes off and I start laughing. I stop just in time to see him open up a vault filled with coins and jewels. WOW.

Annalise Kathrin Potter the SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now