Sorting is weird

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Getting off the train was slow and boring. so was getting into the tiny boats.

Noelle and I got to sit on our own in the boats cause there weren't enough people to have four to a boat.

"Hey, Noelle?" I continued when I saw her tilt her head and say "mmm?" "I think that there will be a giant snake that attacks us all and I will end up almost dead at one point." and she just looked at me weird. I am getting very used to that look.

"LLAMA SONG!" We yelled together.

"Here's a llama

There's a llama

And another little llama"

By now everyone was staring at us.

"Fluffy llama

Fuzzy llama

Llama llama duck

Llama llama

Cheesecake llama

Tablet brick

Potato llama

Llama llama

Mushroom llama

Llama llama duck

I was once a treehouse

I lived in a cake

But I never saw the way the orange slayed the rake

I was only three years dead

But it told a tale

And now listen, little child

To the safety rail

Have you ever seen a llama

Kiss a llama

On a llama

Llamas llama

Tastes of llama

Llama llama duck

Half a llama

Twice the llama

Not a llama

Farmer llama

Llama in a car

Alarm a llama

Llama duck

Is this how it's told now

Is it all so old

Is it made of lemon juice

Doorknob ankle cold

Now my song is getting thin

I've run out of luck

Time for me to retire now

And become a duck!"

We were singing it sooo fast that it took about half a minute to go through that.

Then we just kept singing it at the top of our lungs until we got out of the boats. even then it was only because the large man dude through a blanket over our heads and we were trying to get out.

Noelle got out of the boat with no problems because she got the blanket off, I on the other hand fell into the lake because I couldn't get it off.

I got talents. Or maybe the magical creature running my brain does... Nevermind!

The large man brought us to a door and knocked loudly.

Knock! Knock! Knock! Kno-

The door was opened by a stern looking lady. Her hair was pulled into a tight bun. I should stay away from her.

"Thank you Hagrid." the lady said, "Now! I am Professor Mcgonagall. Follow me."

She set off at a brisk walk... HOW DO I EVEN KNOW THE WORD BRISK?!?!

I followed her with Noelle. We were running to keep up because our legs were much shorter than hers.

She stopped at a set of double doors that went all the way to the ceiling...WOW.

"You will be sorted in a moment. Take this time to clean up." She said the last part eyeing me with my amazing wetness. Not gonna happen lady.

I turned to Noelle, "Do you know how we're sorted?"

"My brother, Seamus, said that they put something on your head that reads you thoughts."

Mcgonagall came back out and glared at me because I was still wet. "Come" she barked and stormed into the room. WOW was the only word to discribe what I saw. It was HUGE! The sky was shown instead to the ceiling. We walked past a girl who was looking anxiously around her. She had bushy brown hair. I wonder who she's looking for.

She stopped us at the front and I didn't fully pay attention to what was going on.

I started to pay a bit more attention when 'Silvers, Kathrine' was called up. She had short black hair and a look that made me want to automatically not trust her. She sat on the stool and a hat went over her head. A second later the hat shouted, "RAVENCLAW".

Noelle and Jeremy both were put into Gryffindor. I don't really recognise anyone else until Ginny is called up. The hat sits on her head for a while actually befor yelling, "GRYFFINDOR!".

Everyone at the Gryffindor table started cheering for her. Her brothers were cheering as loud as they could, I heard a surprised and quiet voice say, "P-P-Potter" before getting loud and clear again and adding, "Annalise"

I walk up to the stool nervously. I look down at my hands and see the scars on them that have been there since I can remember. If I put my pinky fingers together at the sides, the scars made the shape of a heart. On thier own they looked like half a broken heart on each palm.

I feel the hat go onto my head. hmmm... Great power dwells in your mind. Knowledge as well. You have a short temper but you are niave. You seek friendship but you also seek to make yourself better. You stand up for what you believe in but won't think twice about tricking someone to get your way. You have the greatest qualities of each house... Which do you want to be in?

I think hard for a little bit before remembering my promise to Draco. I whisper "slytherin" as quietly as I can and say it in my mind. The hat waits a second. Are you sure? "yes... wait! what is the house colour?" Green, silver and blackI

Right as the hat srtarts to yell out, I change my hair to have green and black streaks. I also change one of my green eyes to silver. By the time he has finished yelling out, "SLYTHERIN", I am done. I calmly take the hat off of my head and walk over to the table Draco is at.

I look at the head table as I sit down. Dumbledore gives me a worried glance but I brush it off.

I talk to Draco for a bit as a story about my brother and Ronald flying to school in a car spreads. This'll be an interesting year. I can tell.

Sorry for da late update! I will try to update more from now on.

Annalise Kathrin Potter the SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now